
William Shakespeare 's Hometown Of The English Language And The World 's Best Dramatist

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Although many knew him as a keen businessman in his hometown of Stratford, William Shakespeare is recognized as the greatest writer in the English language and the world 's best dramatist. ( He wrote hundreds of songs, plays, books, and poems. During his time, his plays were well under-appreciated and a lot of his work did not appear until seven years after his death. Without Shakespeare, the English language would have never expanded at the rate it did, erasing many common words and phrases from history. No other writers ' works have been performed as frequently as Shakespeare 's and because of his choices of material, his style and abilities have been incomparable to any other author. Some of the many themes included in Shakespeare 's works were love, violence, and deceit. He was the first to heavily focus on the internal feelings of his characters. Shakespeare noticed the qualities and characteristics that relate to all human beings making his writing more personal to the audience, but it usually includes a troublesome and tragic mischance. We do not know to what degree Shakespeare 's personal experiences are reflected in his sonnets; nor do we know if the characters described in these poems are based on specific individuals or are solely the product of Shakespeare 's observation, imagination, and understanding of the human heart. Love was mentioned many times in Shakespeare 's sonnets such as 'The Fair Young Man ' and 'dark lady '. These

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