
William Zinsser's How To Write A Memoir

Satisfactory Essays

When written properly, memoirs can tell life stories in interesting ways. William Zinsser wrote an informative essay called "How to write a memoir" which gives tips and guidelines on its namesake. The book, Boy Tales of Childhood, follows a multitude of Zinsser's tenance from "How to Write a Memoir" because Roald Dahl writes from one perspective and tells his true opinions about people, but he does not center the story around solely himself. Boy tales of childhood is told through the perspective of an adult and that perspective does not change. In "How to write a memoir" the author wrote "...there are two different kinds of writing. Choose one." This quote is in reference to two styles of memoirs, either the author writes from the perspective of an adult or as a child but not both. Roald Dahl writes from his perspective as an adult and doesn't change his perspective throughout the entire book which, according to "How to write a memoir" is exactly what should be done. …show more content…

Zinsser writes in his essay being the protagonist of one's story "... means leaving out of your memoir many people who don't need to be there. Like siblings." Not following this specific piece of advice is an interesting choice because the whole point of a memoir is that it is about the author, but by occasionally telling stories about the other members of his family like siblings or parents he family strengthens the story. Even though it is discouraged in "How to Write a Memoir" adding side details and backstories makes Roald Dahl's memoir

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