
Wind Energy in the State of California

Decent Essays

Wind is a form of solar energy so when it is used it creates electricity. Electricity is a physical phenomenon associated with fixed or moving electrons and protons. The wind power development was a step forward for the use of electricity on how to generate more electricity using the wind. The accomplishments for electricity is that Senegal used 10MW for a wind farm and they gave a positive report and is now using it since the second half of 2005. (Dodge) Another thing is during the Second World War; small wind generators were used on German U-boats to recharge submarine batteries as a fuel-conserving measure. The good thing about wind power is can produce electricity at night as well as during the day and that it is plentiful, renewable, and it reduces the greenhouse gas emissions. (ERIC) The Wind Power would be cheaper to develop electricity and it is less harm to our daily lives.
The first time using a large windmill to use electricity was in Cleveland, Ohio in 1888 invented by Charles F. Brush. The Brush machine was a post mill with a multiple blade picket fence rotor 17 meters in diameter, featuring a large tail hinged to turn the rotor out of the wind. It was the first windmill to incorporate a step up gearbox in order to turn a direct current generator at its required operational speed. In 1891, the Dane Poul La Cour developed the first electrical output wind machine to incorporate the aerodynamic design principles used in the best European tower mills. By

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