
Winning the Lottery Equals Death in Shirley Jackson, The Lottery

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To win a lottery should be an exciting and joyful thing, but in “The Lottery” created by Shirley Jackson, winning the lottery in the story would be the most unfortunate thing for everyone as it equals to death. “The Lottery” is a tradition to pick a scapegoat, it has been carried out in the village for a very long time and it is a part of life for everyone. No one wants to question the tradition as they believe that it would help them to having a great harvest. A Third person narrator tells the story using a calm and natural tone. In the first sentence, "The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green."(Jackson 1) A journalistic …show more content…

This symbolizes the inhumanity of people murdering their own kind during the war, following the footsteps of their ancestor without questioning right or wrong, being senseless and cruel as murdering had already become their part of nature. Mr. Summers is the man who held and prepared the lottery. He runs a coal business in the village which indicates many villagers would be his employees. Being the most powerful man in the village but having no children plus his wife was a scold makes the villagers feel sorry for him. Running a big business and still “had time and energy to devote to civic activates.” He appears to be a good man in the story, but is this true? His choice in marrying a scolding wife can be a political move to buy popularity in order to be the leader and take control of the lottery. There is a possibility of black box operation when he was preparing the material for the event so as to keep himself in a safe position and get rid of who he dislike in the village. Mr. Summers symbolize the man-dominated society and upper class controlling the lower class through political and economic means. We can see Jackson portrays the idea of sex discrimination in in “The Lottery” several times. In the beginning of the event, Mrs. Dunbar is questioned by Mr. Summer “Don’t you have a grown boy to do it for you, Janey?” When she wanted to draw

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