
Winter Break Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

One day my aunt called and ask if we can come to visit her in North Carolina. So it was winter break and my mom and stepdad pack the car. My mom told me we will be in the car for 9 hours. When we were driving we got a flat tired in the middle of West virginia. About a hour later are car was fix. It’s been 2 hours and i was so bored so i fell asleep. When I woke up my ears started to pop. I ask my mom why and she said because we were by these really big rocks. I didn’t know what that meant but i just went back to sleep. I woke up again to see a line where the snow stop. When my mom was driving there was a tunnels with lights on the ceiling. When we got in it was really cold in there. When we got there my mom and stepdad had to check in

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