
Wiretapping And Privacy

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What does it feel like using a mobile device everyday of your life knowing that there is someone on the other side of the screen monitoring your actions? NSA (National Security Agency) surveillance is a controversial topic in the United States today. Some may say that government surveillance is used for our safety, but others argue that it violates our rights. Wiretapping has been an issue with the NSA, where conversations through phones or other source of electronic communication can secretly be monitored. According to John Gibson’s article from Fox News, “NSA Wiretapping Program Not Strictly Legal but Strictly Necessary,” he states how without wiretapping, terrorist activities can and will become a threat because terrorist will be able to …show more content…

On the contrary, according to Ali Watkins’s article from Huffington Post, “Don’t Worry, the NSA Can Probably Still Spy on You,” she states that some provisions have been made with wiretapping, but now that there are gaps within the system since the government made provisions, there is still a possibility that some companies may be able to rebuild a data collecting system to secretly monitors people. Everyone is obligated to their opinion on the government monitoring their daily lives, but it takes away our rights of privacy.
First of all, bias by omission is relevant, but mainly in Gibson’s articles. Bias by omission by definition means that a fact is being left out or excluded from the current topic. In other words, each article makes their arguments about keeping or discontinuing NSA surveillance, and lacks opposing evidence from the other side. For instance, in Gibson’s article, he states that the program may not be …show more content…

This bias is most relevant in the Gibson’s article. His article is more opinionated and he does bring in outside sources to say that NSA surveillance is necessary. He does not touch on the liberal side of his arguments and proceeds with his statements that we need NSA surveillance. He uses his examples of two Arabs being arrested due to terrorist activities and they were not monitored by wiretapping. In Watkins’s article there is not so much bias by placement because she recognizes the problems with NSA surveillance and refers to both sides. She acknowledges the different sections of the Patriot Act that affect both sides. There is bias placement because the more information and outside sources given in the article, we will tend to believe it is valid without seeing the other side of the

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