
Wisdom In The Chosen By Chaim Potok

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Wisdom is precious. If one does not grasp it tightly, it may all too soon fade away. In the book The Chosen, Chaim Potok writes of three people who show wisdom in both their deeds and speech. They display it randomly, not only in serious events or critical descisions. It comes spontaneously to them, and that is worth admiration. Reuven, Danny, and Mr. Malter all share the quality of wisdom.

When Reuven’s eye gets hit by a baseball, he is confined to live in the hospital for a few days. During his stay there, he uses alot of his free time in thought. On one of his Father’s visits, Reuven tells him, “‘I wish I was outside now…I envy them being able to walk around like that. They don’t know how lucky they are’” (227). He recognizes that people are more thankful after they loose something. Reuven also realizes for himself that he should appreciate the things he has before they are taken from him. This in its self is wisdom. …show more content…

However, Reuven does not appreciate his apology and greets it with resentful bitterness. Instead of shrugging off Reuven’s rage and hurt as “not his problem”, Danny, without a second thought, comes back the next day to try to talk it out. “He came up the aisle and stood alongside my [Reuven’s] bed, wearing the same clothes he had the day before” (204). Danny wisely refused to let Reuven dwelve in his anger, even though he risked being yelled at and shamed a second time. Due to this casual, but prudent, act he unknowingly found his future best

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