
Wisdom Teeth Research Paper

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At about the age of 17, wisdom teeth begin to come in. Most often they don’t come in straight, and there usually isn’t enough room in your mouth for another molar. Wisdom teeth can cause discomfort and the need for you to visit your dentist. Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt. There are usually four wisdom teeth – two on top and two on the bottom. They rarely come in normally, and most often need to be removed. Wisdom tooth pain is a common symptom of these teeth trying to erupt. Since wisdom teeth come into the very back of your mouth, they don’t always have space to come in as straight as your other molars. They oftentimes come in sideways and misaligned. They push on other teeth as they try to erupt and cause crowding. As your wisdom teeth come in they can cause mild to severe discomfort. Wisdom tooth pain isn’t always localized to the actual wisdom tooth. You may have pain in and around the new tooth, pain around your other teeth – and even pain in and around your ear. Oddly enough, sometimes there is no pain, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t problems brewing. …show more content…

Wisdom teeth become impacted when they are blocked from erupting. This may or may not cause pain. You might not even realize that the tooth is there. Sometimes the impacted tooth does cause pain and it can cause infection that needs to be treated. An impacted wisdom tooth can a serious infection if left untreated. An impacted wisdom tooth is prone to decay which can add to the probability of infection. There are several symptoms that can lead you to visit your

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