Wolbachia is a bacterium, which infects nematodes and insects, spiders, and crustaceans, which are considered arthropods. Although Wolbachia is known to be present within up to 75 % of insect species, the disease cannot be transmitted to humans or to animals. To have the help of qualified and intelligent scientist, Armstrong students is participating in this project to give other scientist a helping hand. Students of Armstrong help scientist determine the extent of Wolbachia because many strains of Wolbachia exist within the insect population. The order of my insect was Psocoptera. Psocoptera is a unique insect because I found an insect that was not listed in the key used to determine the order of insects found in Savannah. The common names of Psocoptera are psocids, barklice or booklice. Psocoptera generally lives in moist environments beneath stones, under the bark of trees, and plant litter, which are leaves that have fallen from the ground. They feed on plants, fungi and debris. Throughout their life cycle, Psocoptera goes through metamorphosis including egg and larval stages before becoming adults. According to a peer …show more content…
The scientific process that we used was first defining the problem in order to move on to the next step. Meaning what is Wolbachia? We had to identify our insect using a key used to find the order of the insects in Savannah. We eventually learned how to determine the concentration of DNA and protein in a aqueous solution. Using our solution we did DNA extraction and quantification using our solution from our previous steps. We used elution, salt, lysis and wash buffer along with EtOH and proteinase K. After completing DNA extraction and quantification we did our PCR samples were we used a positive and negative control, no template control and our samples. Lastly we did our gel electrophoresis where we found whether our insect was positive or negative for
Natawista, an Indian women, was the chief of the Blood tribe of the Blackfoot Confederacy. During her traveling to Fort Union, she met her future husband, Alexander Culbertson, who was the chief of the Fort Union. She and her husband made a big fortune in the fur trade.
Cahokia was a large, complex settlement built by Native Americans that lived along the Mississippi River in about 950 C.E. near present-day St. Louis and East St. Louis, Illinois. At the city’s peak at around 1150 C.E., nearly ten thousand citizens lived on more than five square miles of 120 earthen “mounds.” At the time, Cahokia was the third-largest city in the Americas, and it contained multiple residential neighborhoods, plazas, and religious sites. Scientists and historians widely agreed that corn had been cultivated in this region since as early as the year 1000 C.E. At the location of the ancient city, archaeologists discovered corn fragments, such as kernels and cobs, in sites that were dated to the year 1000 C.E. and earlier. Several
The Pawnee indians had many different reasons and ways of art. They made things like pottery and Dream Catchers. There were many different types of Pawnee art. Art was mostly made by the women and young girls of the village. The woman of the village worked hard on the art used for many different things. Things such as bead and feathers were used to decorate art and clothing.
The Cahokia Mounds is the largest mountain in north america. The Cahokia mountain have very good resources. That provided good water for the human and animal that live their. It had different types of habitats that allow humans to live their over time. The human migrated about 12,000 years ago in that area. This humans that live their over time start to growing crops like sunflowers, corn, and other plants. The human hunted fish and other wild animals for food. Their biggest success for the Cahokia people was agriculture, because they could grow enough food for their people. That is why the Cahokia mounds became more populated overtime. The Cahokia people could trapped the crops with other tribes for tools, clothes, food, and other things that
Shonquasia participated in the session. Shonquasia continue to make progress towards her goals. Shonquasia stated, her wanting to take part in sports, curfew, being treated like a stranger, school work, listening , respectful, not being suspended, being disrespectful, fighting with her siblings, and not wanting to do anything productive. Shonquasia stated that she only stay away from the house for two days. Shonquasia stated that she has moved back in the home. Shonquasia stated, that her mom does not allow her to go places, and participate on the school football team, mom refusing to do thing for her, mom not threating her fairly, mom not caring about her feeling and opinions, and being put down by her mom. Shonquasia stated, fighting, yelling
The Cahokia lived in temples and teepees. I know teepees were a common place to live in back then, but I never knew that people could live in a temple. I thought temples were a place where people did religious things like praying. I feel like I’ve heard of the Cahokia people, but I know nothing about them. It was interesting that their dictator who they called “The Great Sun” would howl at the top of the temple every morning to determine whether it was morning or not. I wonder why the sun meant so much to them. They had a sun god and invented poles that aligned with the sun at the equinox and solstice.
Situated just south of Tallahassee on the Gulf Coast is Florida’s own hidden treasure Wakulla. The area has an abundance of things to do including boating, fishing, snorkeling, golfing, attending festivals and other interesting events along with enjoying the unspoiled natural habit that exists in this unique area of Florida.
There are many great things to see and visit in the Southwest. For instance, you can watch rodeos where riders ride on a bull or horse and try to stay on for 8 seconds while with one hand in the air .You can go to powwow a Native American festival. At a powwow, you can hear Native American music, see Native Americans dancing, and eat fry bread a delicious food. Powwows are one of the few places where you can see Native American culture today. You can see some of the greatest natural sights known to man including the Grand Canyon, Monument Valley. In addition, you can go white river rafting on the Colorado River. The natural beauty of the southwest can fill you with awe and excitement! It is clear to see how stunning the southwest
I'm that awesome kid named Wajeeh you’ve just been waiting to meet, I’m in grade 7 and am 12 years old. I was born on the 18th of September 2005, I live with my Mom, Dad, Brother, Shabeeh in Grade 10, and sister Fizzah in grade 6.
Starting in AD 800 and hitting its peak from 1050- 1200 AD, Cahokia covered six square miles with a population between 10,000 and 20,000 people (Jarus 1). During their 500 years, the Cahokians developed America’s first city and arguably the greatest civilization of its time, and then seemingly disappeared without a trace. But, despite Cahokia’s disappearance, a significant amount of history was left behind through earthen mounds, evolved social structures, advanced cultural practices, and Cahokia’s unexplained demise.
A Native American Pow Wow is the Native American ceremonies which have evolved from a formal ceremony of the past into a modern variety of dance, family reunion, and festival. It contains with the colorful tribal dance contests, handmade product, crafts show, tipis, and singing. As a social skill, Powwow is the Native American’s best way of meeting together to join in dancing, singing, making new friends. Dances play an essential part of the life of the Native American. Over the years, even dance styles and content have changed, but their profound meaning and importance have not.
Have you ever wanted to prove somebody or even yourself that you could do better? Have you ever wanted to prove that you were better than what you were or where you came from? That’s what two girls named Kewauna and Marita wanted to do. Kewauna wanted to better her life with the OneGoal program, she took full advantage of her education by getting to know her professors and making them remember her, and anything she struggled with she made sure to study and pay extra attention to. Marita also wanted to take advantage of her education instead of telling her mom that she couldn’t handle the KIPP Academy she toughed through it, even with a 10 hour school day she will go home
There are many examples of iconic animals that we take for granted when it comes to thoughts of sharing our earth with them in the far future, but it is becoming more evident throughout the passing of time that this will no longer be true with current conditions. When it comes to animals becoming extinct not many people think that many recognized animals, besides the most talked about ones like Polar bears and Giant pandas, are at risk. One of these incredibly recognized endangered animals is the Orangutan. One of the most distinguished of the great apes, both of the subspecies of Orangutan are endangered; The Bornean and the Sumatran, with the Sumatran being declared as a critical species.
I only remember going to one powwow in my life. It was several years ago when I was just a child at the Cherokee National Holiday celebration. I have seen some other Native dancers at different events but never formal powwows. I have always wanted to see more, but I have never had an opportunity to see another one. So, when I saw I had an assignment where I was required to go to an American Indian event, I knew I wanted to see another powwow. I looked on the Oklahoma Tourism website and found the nearest one to where I live. It was the Restoring Harmony / Stand to Power Powwow at the Westside YMCA in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I learned a lot about modern tribal initiatives dealing with health, culture, and intertribal relations.
Opossum Control and removal is a very common occurrence in the wildlife and wildlife control business. Opossums can be a very aggressive animal and their initial appearance makes them seem really aggressive and vicious. However, this is not the case the opossum, is actually a very shy very mellow animal that only looks to gain a free meal every chance it gets. Opossums are categorized in the marsupial family and one of the only animals in the United States that carried their babies in a pouch just like a kangaroo. Opossums can and are a nuisance animal they carry many unique diseases that are very unique to this animal some of the diseases are: tuberculosis, relapsing fever, herpes virus, tularemia, salmonella, spotted fever, toxoplasmosis,