
Women During The 21st Century

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Palestinian women, in addition to be mothers, are implicated in the developing capitalist economy of Palestine, and thus, are enmeshed in a further complication of the gendered relations of production, and their peculiar demands (Abu-Lughod, 52). Though the household itself is both a vessel of oppression, and a means to resist other forms of oppression, its oppressive effects compound those of wage-labour. Women engaged in waged labour draw a significantly lower income than men, and have little leverage compared to their male counterparts (Haj, 767). Women here face a problem common to many societies, the additional labour of work to that in the home, and a reduced agency in the work place. Moreover, employers in the OPT have “made use of patriarchal relations [and labour market conditions] to depress female wages and control [female labourers]” (ibid. 770). Women in these conditions, feel the need to fight for better conditions, but in doing so, risk being seen as going against the national movement. Nationalism values indigenous mores (Enloe, 60), and thus, it inherently enshrines the oppressive traditional structures, however, engagement with the national project through traditional roles and venues has politicised women and enabled a contestation of these very structures (Haj, 771). Conventional wisdom suggests a house divided against itself cannot stand- how then, is this conundrum resolved? Haj highlights the efforts of Palestinian women to create “an integrated

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