
Comparing Okin And Jaggar's Analysis

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The situation of women’s issues in the East and Middle East is vital as it can be harmful to these women, such as oppressing them in the form of cultural imperialism. Feminists Susan Moller Okin and Alison M. Jaggar discuss this issue in their respective texts, however, both through radically different approaches. Okin centrally focuses on the concept of multiculturalism, in the respect that it may be harmful to women, while Jaggar criticizes Okin’s writing, believing that these cultural practices may be voluntary choices. The focal point of Okin’s writing is that multiculturalism may be more harmful to women than most people may realize. She states that “there is a considerable likelihood of tension between them – more precisely, between …show more content…

She criticizes Okin’s writing, mainly focusing on Okin’s idea that the West is the best. She states that this idea of Okin’s is untrue as it lies on the assumption that the West is the best for women. This assumption puts emphasis on the oppression women face in non-Western countries which she believes it problematic. Jaggar believes this idea is problematic as the idea is formed only through the perception of one from the West. Okin argues that a false consciousness is among non-Western women as she believes that these women are unaware of the oppression that they are faced with. Jaggar disagrees with this argument as she states that Western culture does not truly understand the injustices in the East. This disagreement leads Jaggar to the central claim that even though many Western people may find some cultural practices as oppressive in the East, many of these practices are actually voluntary choices. She concludes her piece stating that “Westerners concerned about the plight of poor women in poor countries should not focus exclusively, and perhaps not primarily, on the cultural traditions of those [Eastern] countries” (Jaggar 75). Jaggar believes that Western individuals need to be reflective of their own roles that contribute to the plight of the “Third World Woman” in the first place

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