
Women Mistreated in the Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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In Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the way women have been represented and characterized gives us an idea of how the female gender are treated differently from the male gender as well as children in Latin America during the 1950s. The husbands were given all the authority, also known as machismo, whereas women weren’t allowed to take charge of anything, and were portrayed as weak and impotent.
The Vicario sisters were raised and trained by their mother, Purisima Del Carmen, to become good wives. They did not have very social lives and did not marry until late in life. However, the lines, “the girls had been reared to get married” and “any man will be happy with them because they have been raised to suffer,” from the novel suggests that …show more content…

Angela is described as the prettiest of her four sisters and was considered well-named by Bayardo San Roman, who had admitted that it was the first impression of her name that had really caught his attention and was one of the main reasons he chose to marry her after taking just one look at her from afar. Her first name, Angela means “angel” (messenger of God) and her last name, Vicario is an actual last name in Spanish which means “a vicar” (a member of the church who exercises a range of pastoral responsibilities and is usually a representative of the Bishop). This is all quite ironic because Angela is not a virgin and thus, not pure. Her confession caused her brothers, Pedro and Pablo to seek revenge by terminating the man that had taken her virginity, which results in a violent tragedy which is not holy or righteous in any way. The death of Santiago Nasar had caused the brothers to face a lot of misery, only due to the order of their sister, Angela Vicario. By exhibiting this, Gabriel Garcia Marquez shows the hidden power of women that only Angela had in the Columbian society at that time.
However, towards the end of the novel, she had developed feelings for her husband, Bayardo and had grown overly obsessed with him. She started writing letters to him every single day for about seventeen years, but had fallen into the deadly trap of

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