
Women Vs Women

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Why should Adult Woman Receive Lighter Sentences then Men for Physical Abuse on Children Is our Legal System corrupt when it comes to sentence severity based on sexual orientation? Why give woman lighter sentences for physical abuse? What good can come from the Legal System giving unfair jailing? Should the Legal System be followed?
Men and Women can be stripped of their parenting rights if charged with physically abusing children. However, the results of the woman charged the standard two to ten-year sentence is 40% unlikely says "The Effect of Gender on the Decision to Incarcerate Before and After the Introduction of Sentencing Guidelines." With a woman, the ruling is frequent to a significant decrease from two-ten years to two-six years. …show more content…

In current America, it is not unusual to see women having similar properties as men, though they do not have all the same rights, they are achieving status as equal humans. "Gendered Differences in Criminal Sentencing" believes women should be judged lightly with physical abuse to children unless it is a more dangerous act such as the breaking of one's bones or head trauma. "The Effect of Gender on the Decision to Incarcerate Before and After the Introduction of Sentencing Guidelines" disagrees and expresses that "Structured sentencing and mandatory minimum sentencing reforms were instituted to restrict the court's discretion and to sentence defendants based on their offense and criminal history, and thereby to ignore notions of utilitarian benefits or substantive legal justifications." "Gendered Differences in Criminal Sentencing" conveys that woman average 3.22 years less than men for the same crime and it is an acceptable form of judgment. "The Effect of Gender on the Decision to Incarcerate Before and After the Introduction of Sentencing Guidelines" suggests that men are either treated like women, or likewise, women like men. They also proposed that the Legal System can split the difference instead of having bad rulings. "Gendered Differences in Criminal Sentencing" states that "Judges generally receive incomplete information on defendants and their cases." This makes it so that woman may receive lighter sentences due to lack of information and furthermore should not be put on the Legal System. "Gendered Differences in Criminal Sentencing" also says men are better suited to serve "hard time" in jail than women are. "The Effect of Gender on the Decision to Incarcerate Before and After the Introduction of Sentencing Guidelines" asserts that women who bind themselves to traditional gender roles and commit offenses typically of their gender, such as minor property crimes, should be

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