
Women in the Workplace Essays

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In many cultures throughout the world women are patronized and viewed as the weaker sex. Women are commonly perceived as being unfit for any forms of higher education and because of societal pressure and expectations retreat to a life of raising children and cooking meals for their husbands. Our society’s stereotypical views about women’s suffrage, educational expectations and athletic abilities have all advanced over the years. In many aspects of our society, women are now expected to compete with their male counterparts. Currently, it is not uncommon to hear of a women CEO or Vice President in businesses or even a women politician. Women have now emerged from laundry rooms and kitchens across the country and changed the demographics …show more content…

The waiting room is warm and welcoming. From “Winnie the Pooh” Christmas window clings to painted pumpkins in the fall, “Great Smiles” is always decorating according to the season. Upon walking through the large glass entrance door, there is a colorful display that showcases pictures from a CPR training class and an article about a patient among other interesting news clippings and articles about health care. This room is one of the busiest areas of the office. Children are found playing on any open space of colorful carpet they can kind while parents can be found catching a little nap. The waiting room houses a large colorful aquarium, a toy area and a magazine rack. Numerous photo albums are displayed that contains drawings and thank you notes from patients. Seven large pink benches encompass the perimeter of the room for patients to sit on. The atmosphere of this office welcomes patients and encourages them to make themselves right at home. The front desk area is open with about six file cabinets placed behind the desks. The area where patients schedule their appointments has two large wicker baskets one for a parent prize raffle and another for a child prize raffle. When in the clinical area the same colorful and fun theme is applied. The “back” was designed with an open concept in mind. There are three separate rooms that are used for patients with behavioral needs. There is a large kite that hangs from the ceiling and leads patients to the front

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