
Women 's Benefits Of Women

Decent Essays

Women do have advantages over men at times in the working environment, not many but some, some that may not be much of a change. Women do get maternity leave, which is in fact bonding time with the child before and after it is born. Men on the other hand receive this time off also, but it is not the same length. Men believe that it is an advantage over them, due to the fact that they are conceiving a child, it is truly and solely not a purposeful advantage. First off it is not a valid argument towards women’s advantages, second off God gave women the right to conceive a child she did not choose to. While a woman is pregnant, their bodies work about 57 percent more when they are pregnant than if they were playing a sport. (Bergeron, 2015) Causing emotional pain that lead to stressful sleeps, constant health exams, and restless nights. The argument is an invalid statement due to the fact that women can’t change the fact that they conceive children, and must take time off to heal their bodies to return to work being able to fulfill their job. Women have started movements in work unions back to the early 1900s, but wasn 't a big concern till today.(Bergeron, 2015) Today the movement of labor has changed greatly and has increased in involvement with women. It is difficult for a lower educated person with a visa to look for work because they are looked at as less useful, rather than helpful to a company that doesn 't require “runt work”. Social reduction

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