
Women 's Rights Of The Middle East

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Women’s Rights in the Middle East Take a look around you. You most likely see quite a lot of women talking, laughing, and living freely. Most people would agree that it’s an everyday sight. However, free-living women are a rare occurrence in other parts of the world, such as the Middle East, where women are bound by traditions. The oppression of women that rages today in that region is due to the great influence Islam has there. Followers of Islam, known as Muslims, use the Quran as their Holy Book. From this book, Muslims take their guidelines for life, known as Sharia Law. Unfortunately, these laws are the epitome of patriarchy, and aim to subjugate and degrade women. A woman named Jean Sasson has written many books that tell of this oppression, such as the Princess trilogy and it’s sequel More Tears To Cry, which follow the steps of the Saudi Arabian princess, Sultana. In Princess, the first book in the series, we see the effect Sharia Law has on Sultana’s life. “If the Prophet could speak in this new age of modern amenities, I know he would end such silly traditions.” This quote was Sultana’s response to all the limitations for women that are brought by tradition. She had firsthand experience with these laws, since both her father and her husband were strict followers of Sharia. In Sharia Law women are spoken of more like property, rather that human beings. For example, the Sharia Law states that husbands are managers of everything a wife may do (Sura 4:34).

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