
Women's Identity in the Early 1900's Essay

Decent Essays

Ibsen wrote this play in 1879. It is a three-act play with prose dialogue. The play takes place in the 19th century in Europe. It is a play about a woman, who struggles to find her own identity. The main point is women need treated as humans and not dolls. Women need to know their place and that they have rights. They also have duties as a wife and mother. As a wife, they need to be trustworthy and as a mother, they need to be role models. As do husbands need to respect their wife and know that, they have their own opinions and titled to them. Women cannot be good wives and role models to their children, if they do not know who they are and what their roles are in life. Ibsen uses the symbolism in his setting to show various …show more content…

She has the maid bring them in and out of the room as she wishes. At one point, the children wanted to come see her and she would not allow it. This is not how a mother would normally act (obj. 1). The children represent Nora's dysfunctional thoughts of a mother. As the play goes on and the characters come in and out of the room Ibsen makes sure the setting is like a photograph. He explains in detail everything to making sure nothing is out of place (obj. 3). Continuing with and exploration of symbolism we see the Christmas tree becomes stripped and droopy when Nora's mood changes (obj. 3). She finds out that there has been a letter put in the letterbox that reveals her biggest lie to her husband. With the box is locked, she has no key, therefore she cannot stop the outcome of him finding out the truth. It represents the trap of Nora and the cause of her denials (obj. 3). Knowing that she has to perform the tarantella she rehearses it throughout the play and uses it to distract Torvald from finding out the truth. She also uses the dance to play the part of the doll dancing as the masters insist. The tarantella is the climax of the play (obj. 3). Nora dances with great intensity almost as if it her life depended on it. The dance brings out the turning point in Nora's character. It symbolizes the last dance a doll will perform for her master. It is after the dance is over they go back to the apartment and the letterbox is opened.

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