
Women's Legal and Political Rights Essay

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Women's Legal and Political Rights Until the end of 18th century there was a large opposition to women's legal and political rights, though some improvements were made, the issue of giving women the vote was still highly opposed. Feminism is linked to the women's movement and is commonly connected with two basic beliefs, that women are disadvantaged because of their sex, and that this disadvantage should be overthrown. Since the nineteenth century women's movement gained a central focus of the campaign for female suffrage and the right to vote. It was Mary Wollstonecraft and Lucretia Mott, who can be considered as the most famous pioneer of women’s rights and feminism movement. They made …show more content…

In her option, like men had duties in the family too, the women had duties to the state.

Wollstonecraft stated for the right of woman to be educated, because women are responsible for the education of the children. She accepted this role as a primary role for woman as different from man. She believed that stable marriage is a partnership between a husband and a wife – a marriage is a social contract between two individuals. A woman thus needs to have equal knowledge and sense, to maintain the partnership. A stable marriage also provides for the proper education of children.

These ideas were in a complete contrast to the realities of women's lives that time. Women of the time were second-class citizens. Mary Wollstonecraft could look to her own life, history and to the lives of women around in her family. Abuse of women was close to home. She saw little legal recourse for the victims of abuse. And that contrast between the "rights of man" and the realities of the "life of woman" motivated Mary Wollstonecraft to write her book. She makes clear that only when woman and man are equally in family and social life there is true freedom. And for such equality there must be a quality education for woman – an education which recognizes her duty to educate her own children, equality to her husband, and which recognizes that woman, like man, is a creature of both

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