
Women's Suffrage Essay

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Women's Suffrage

At the turn of the twentieth century, the ideal British woman in Great Britain was to maintain a demure manner, a composed façade. A delicate disposition with a distain for all things violent and vulgar. However, by this point in time, an increasing number of women were becoming ever more frustrated with their suppressed position in society. Women eventually went to extreme, militant measures to gain rights, especially to gain women the right to vote. Although this controversy in the short term could perhaps be seen to delay the implementation of women’s suffrage, combined with the rest of their campaigning, the respect they received during World War 1 and the political situation …show more content…

Later, in 1897, led by Millicent Garrett Fawcett, the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies was set up. The NUWSS restricted itself to peaceful methods. Their morals and beliefs were to change other aspects of women’s lives- in education and social status- then gain the vote once these other targets had been achieved.

In 1906 one of the first major attempts for the enfranchisement of women was undertaken .A gathering of more than 300 women, representing more than 125,000 suffragists nationwide, reasoned for women’s suffrage with Prime Minister Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. He did not disagree with the delegations argument, but “ was obliged to add that he proposed to do nothing at all about it”. Although he urged women to “ Keep on pestering”.

As well as arguing with politicians to get their cause heard, women had devised many other forms of persuasion. They used law abiding tactics and

started a massive campaign supporting the Liberal Party to get into power. Although the suffragists knew that all the political parties were doubtful about votes for women, they felt that the Liberals were most likely to grant them suffrage. The Liberals were the radicals of the time, believing in equality for all (hopefully including women).Some Liberals hoped that by giving women the vote the party would gain more votes in the future.

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