
Women's Rights Presentation And Case Study

Decent Essays

The united nation has done a decent job in address social issues in the world. Even though they are doing a good job in addressing the social issues, some of the job they have done are successful and some are not so successful in addressing the social issues which can be seen in women’s rights presentation and case study of The UN and Natural Disasters presentation.
UN’s efforts to address the women’s right issue which is relatively successful, but they have to do a lot more works in order to make it a better place for the women to live in. Women’s right issue is handled by UN women, which is the one of the program of ECOSOC. United Nation established the economic and social council as one of the main principle organ in 1945. According to …show more content…

(Women’s right presentation) The resolution 1325 also state that women are protected from human rights violations, and also access to justice and services to eliminate discrimination. (Women’s right presentation) The strategies that UN Women use is meditation and conflict prevention, peacebuilding and recovery, peacekeeping, ending Impunity and countering violent extremism against women. According to presentation of Women’s right “before UN Women, the role for women’s peace and security was distributed among: UNIFEM, Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women (OSAGI), Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) and United Nations International Training and Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW). Although these kind of things is developed by UN Women and its preceding groups which is relatively successful in address some of the women’s right, the situation of Women’s Peace and Security is underdeveloped and still needs some works to further create an ideal situation for the women in the world.
Although, the MINUSTAH is successful in aiding the 2010 Haiti earthquake with humanitarian aids, they are created social issues such as Cholera Outbreak in 2010 and sexualized Violence in Haiti in 2011and. In January 12, 2010,

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