
Women´s Role in Kate Chopins Literature: The Yellow Paper and The Awakening

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The average size of an American fashion model? Four. The average size of an American woman? Fourteen. Throughout history, more and more American women have claimed to be unsatisfied with their physical appearances. This is due to the constant presence of thin, perfectly proportioned models in media. The image of women in media creates a standard of beauty that cannot even be reached by the models themselves. Based on the image of them portrayed in media, American women have been expected to try to reach unattainable roles.
Though the expectations set for women have changed over time, women have always been expected to fulfill whatever role society created for them. This idea was even expressed in novels written in the distant past. In …show more content…

Then there were the single women. People believed that since they didn’t have husbands or children to look after, that they were lonely and miserable women. In reality they could have been very friendly and loving women. But since they didn’t fill their roles in society, there had to be something wrong with them. They were often ostracized unless they had a “useful talent”. Then there were women like Edna. Edna Pontellier was the main character of The Awakening. Edna completely rebelled against all of the standards set for her by society. When the novel took place, Edna already had a husband and kids to take care of. After a long period of time of simply thinking about her life, Edna decided to do what not many women around her ever had the courage to do. Edna decided to leave her husband and kids to live a life as an independent woman. This was completely against what she was supposed to do. Edna was one of many women who began to decide that she was no longer willing to accept the role that society attempted to force her into. (Chopin)
There were many other women in the United States during the 1800s who wanted to fight for their rights to be free, just as Edna did. These women were part of the women’s suffrage movement during this time. Women such as Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton decided that they would no longer sit around and have their independence and freedom stripped away from them. They were motivated to hold

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