The author of the book I read is R.J. Palacio. Wonder was the first book she had written. Since Wonder she has written a book series that follows along with the story Wonder. Wonder is a fiction book and is a good children's book because it talks about bullying. The story ties into to the cover of the book because maybe Auggie, the boy in the story, wants to know what it feels like to be normal. Auggie is the main character in the this story. Auggie is a ten year old boy who is going to school for the first time. He has a face deformity, which causes people to stare at him. His face deformity leads to kids at his school to be mean and bully him. Auggie has one older sister named Via who is in high school. Auggie’s mom and dad both support him and try to make him feel normal. …show more content…
He was very nervous when he went to his new school. He did not want people to stare at him or make fun of him. After he started school he began to make several friends. One of his friends names was Summer. She would eat lunch with Auggie everyday She would get made fun of because she hung out with Auggie. They called Auggie a freak! Jack wanted to be Auggie’s friend but he worried that he would be made fun of by his other friends. Jack would be nice to Auggie when no one was around but would act different when his other friends were around him. Julian was the kid who bullied Auggie because of the way he looked. Julian would make fun of Auggie in front of his class. He would tell everyone that he looked like a character off of Star Wars because his face was deformed. Julian and Jack made a joke about Auggie on Halloween and did not realize that Auggie was there in a different costume than they had thought. Auggie had heard everything and was sad so he went to the nurse and went home. Auggie did not want to come back to school every again because he was being
Auggie was born with Treacher Collins syndrome and a Cleft Palate. After multiple surgeries, his Cleft Palate is mostly gone and the Treacher Collins Syndrome is better than what it was. According to the book, “When I came out of my Mom’s, she said the whole
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go to a new school with no friends and a different face? To have everyone look at you and make a repelling face? That’s what it was like for August Pullman in the 5th grade. Auggie is different that everybody else in 5th grade. Auggie was born with a facial deformity so he looks different that other people he has had 27 so far in his life. Auggie goes to a school called Beecher Prep. In my opinion Beecher Prep has had a positive effect on Auggie’s life because now he has made more friends like Summer, Jack Will, Max G, Max W, and Reid. Sometimes it is hard for auggie to fit in when people like julian step into the picture, but overall Beecher Prep has made Auggie’s life a little easier.
Jack turns down being a popular kid at school to be friends with August. Jack was not embarrassed to be around August even though most kids were. He also stood up for August as is shown when it says “‘We could have been partners. You don't have to be friends with that freak if you don't want to be, you know….’ And that's when I punched him.
“‘The main thing I have is this thing called man-di-bu-lo-facial dys-os-tosis-which took me forever to learn how to pronounce, by the way.’” Because he has a face that not many think of as comforting, he has lived most of his life ashamed of the way he looks. As the book progresses, however, Auggie learns that looks aren’t as important as they seem. He learns this with the help of his friends and family. Auggie’s friends have helped him have a better experience at Beecher Prep by sitting with him at lunch and talking to him.
While on the other hand Auggie, a elementary student was born with severe craniofacial syndrome and deals with looking very t5 different from the rest of the kids he goes to school with. Throughout the book the author, R.J. Palacio tells the story as if you were there with Auggie as he faces challenges mostly through school and with friends. As you can see these
People jump to conclusions that he is weird just cause of his unique face. But there are characters in the book that don't judge him like summer. When they first meets she gets to know him and soon become really good friends. “Kindness is the key to any friendship”. When Auggie tries to make friends on the first day of school he meets a girl named Summer at the lunch table.
August, nicknamed Auggie, says in the first chapter, “I won't describe what I look like … Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse .”(pg. 3) Auggie is beginning to start middle school; he has a meeting with Mr. Tushman, the principal. Jack Will, Julian, and Charlotte gave Auggie a tour around the school. When the three students first met August they were afraid that they might catch some sort of disease. In honor of Halloween soon approaching the students had the option to dress up in costumes and come to school.
The first reason school had a positive impact on Auggie’s life was that he made many friends. It was shown in part eight, where Auggie thought, “I walked with Summer and Jack, and we just couldn’t stop cracking up. Everything made us laugh. We were in that giggly kind of mood where all someone has to do is look at you and you start laughing.” Before Auggie went to school,he was only comfortable around family and a few other friends, but now he has opened himself up to almost everybody in his grade. Another example in part
August Pullman is a 10-year-old boy who has a mandibulofacial dysostosis. Which causes his face to appear different. Because of Auggie’ appearance, people a very unkind to him. Auggie has gotten 27 surgeries to help him with his facial deformity. He lives with his parents, his older sister Via, and his dog Daisy. Auggie has been home schooled up until the 5th grade, but his parents decide it's time for him to go to a real school. They register him to Beecher Prep and take him to meet the principal, Mr. Tushman. Before Auggie starts school he takes a tour with three students who will be in the same grade as he was going in. On the tour, he meets Jack Will, Charlotte, and Julian. Jack Will was the kind kid, but Julian was really mean to
R.J Palacio said, “I honestly don't believe that empathy is something that can be taught. It can only be inspired.” Palacio’s real name is Raquel Jaramillo. She attended the High School of Art and Design in New York. Before she wrote the book Wonder, she designed book covers for a lot of book writers including Judy Blume.
Throughout the novel, Auggie constantly fights to be known for something other than the way he looks. His face may appear strange and frightening, but on the inside he is no different from any other kid. Auggie is a 10 year old boy suffering from Treacher Collins. Treacher Collins is a is a rare syndrome where you have a disphormanty of the face, because of this disorder, he has had 27 surgeries ever since he was born. It is very difficult for him and his family because everywhere they go people stare at him. This really upsets his siblings because people are staring at him and making fun of their little brother just because of what he looks like. Auggie is homeschooled, but his parents decide to put him in the school Breecher Prep. It is really
He was an average boy that was used to having authority as he was the leader of a choir group. Even though Jack always wanted his way, he still had decency and respect for some people especially when he agrees with ralph about having rules at the beginning. “I agree with Ralph. We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all, we’re not savages. We’re English, and the English are best at everything. So we’ve got to do the right things” (Golding 42). Jack stated this at the top of the mountain after Ralph said that the meetings will happen wherever the conch is located. This quotation is a prime example of the kind of character Jack was. Jack cared about obeying the rules and agreed with ralph, which is very rare as Jack does not like Ralph or the rules. Jack acts as an arrogant tyrant towards his choir boys as seen when he does not let any of them remove their thick cloaks in the hot sun. Even though Jack is still innocent he acts mean towards Piggy all the time and never lets him speak. This does not show Jack as a savage but does show him as a bully. Bullying is not acceptable in society and would be terminated as soon as an adult would hear about it, but since there are no adults Jack is able to freely bully whom he wants without any consequences. Jack is not the kindest of characters but is still an innocent child at heart. “"I was
Julian's chapter is really surprising if you read the first book. It's no spoiler that in the first book, “Wonder”, Julian doesn't like Auggie too much, he portrays a bully. He put mean notes in his locker, he made a game called the pledge, so if you touch Auggie or anything he touched you would have the pledge. Julian also turned everyone against Auggie, you can tell he was a mean kid to Auggie. When Julian got his class picture he made sure that his picture to not have Auggie in it. In his chapter he says, “I hope you’re planning on burning that” to his mom and he meant it. You would not believe what he really thinks of Auggie though, you'll just have to read his chapter to find out.
And boy will I tell you Julian deserved it. With all the stuff Julian puts Auggie through Julian deserved worse. On page 267 Amos stood up for Auggie by saying, “ Leave him alone dude.” It was really strange for Amos to do this since he was on Julian’s side for awhile.
In the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio, Auggie shows insecurity by being antisocial, hiding his face, and blaming his looks on everything that goes wrong. When his sister Via had a school play, she didn’t invite Auggie because she thought he would be bored but Auggie thought his sister didn’t invite him because he was deformed. “You think I don’t know what’s going on? You just don’t want your fancy little friends to find out your brother is a freak” (Auggie 218). According to this quote, August is insecure because he didn’t get invited to sister’s play and blamed it on his appearance right away instead of considering other possibilities. Another example of August’s insecurity is when he almost missed what ended up being the best thing that ever happened in his life. He explained “Via, I don’t think I should go to the campout. What’s the point? I won’t make any friends because everyone will scream and run away from me. I know I would if I saw someone who looked like me” (Auggie 263). This quote shows how insecure he is because