
Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points During World War I

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World War I is known as the Great War with high hopes and goals that it would be the only war. The Allies in the war wanted to defeat or overcome the Central Powers and with the United States in the war, they could. President of the U.S. was Woodrow Wilson who fought for democracy, peace settlements, an organization to keep the peace, and world politics reformation (Cooper). He pursued the statement “peace without victory“ (War Aims and Peace Discussions). After the war, Wilson restored the credibility of the Allies’ by revealing his Fourteen Points as a program for peace. Although not all goals of America were realized, Wilsons step toward peace did make a big change in the world. America wanted the world to become a freer place to live in. Wilson wanted it to be a safer world for democracy. He wanted the image of the U.S. to be remade and this was there chance for it to happen. Wilson wanted America to not only establish peace but to sit on the throne for the world. Manifest destiny was another goal hoped to be accomplished to spread …show more content…

3 out of 14 points were fulfilled: Belgium was evacuated of Germans then restored, French lands were evacuated of Germans then restored, and Poland became independent with freedom on the seas. 5 out of 14 points were compromised: League of Nations was formed, Serbia got freedom on the seas and was evacuated along with Montenegro and Romania, Italy’s frontiers were readjusted, self-determination for the Austro-Hungarian Empire’s former subjects, and self-determination for the Ottoman Empire’s former subjects. 6 out of 14 points were not fulfilled: freedom on the seas during times of war and peace, secret agreements are not allowed between countries, equality in trade between countries, arms will be reduced worldwide, fair colonial claims and Germans will evacuate Russia and be welcomed to the free nation society (Murrin

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