Aside from an opening sentence approximately adjusted from the first and revamped all the more basically, this whole entry is taken practically word-for-word from the source. The couple of little adjustments of the source don't alleviate the essayist of the obligation to credit these words to their unique writer, Alvin Kernan. A section from a source might be worth citing finally on the off chance that it makes a point unequivocally or exquisitely. In such cases, duplicate the section precisely, put it in quotes, and refer to the
“The Indian presence precipitated the formation of an American identity” (Axtell 992). Ostracized by numerous citizens of the United States today, this quote epitomizes Axtell’s beliefs of the Indians contributing to our society. Unfortunately, Native Americans’ roles in history are often categorized as insignificant or trivial, when in actuality the Indians contributed greatly to Colonial America, in ways the ordinary person would have never deliberated. James Axtell discusses these ways, as well as what Colonial America may have looked like without the Indians’ presence. Throughout his article, his thesis stands clear by his persistence of alteration the Native Americans had on our nation. James Axtell’s bias delightfully enhances his thesis, he provides a copious amount of evidence establishing how Native Americans contributed critically to the Colonial culture, and he considers America as exceptional – largely due to the Native Americans.
The meaning and purpose of language and landscapes “We are all made of words: that our most essential being consists in language.” (Momaday pg. 82) In N. Scott Momaday’s book The Man Made of Words he tells us that language is the most important part of who we are and it’s the most essential element of the way we think, dream and act. In this piece Momaday’s shows that a lot of his background is based on how much he cares about his culture and the Kiowa tribe.
In this column, analyze the significance of your quotations. Allow the following questions to guide your responses: Why is this important? What does this reveal? Why does the author say it this way? What is the tone/mood of this passage?
1. Why does Krakauer cite these letters? How does citing them add to or detract from the text?
Considering the limitations Oates may have run into with publishers, his use of citations is a decent attempt. However, his method is not the most effective way. First, there is not a footnote in sight. There is no rule demanding the utilization of footnotes; however, footnotes illuminate and confirm Oates’ sources. Not using footnotes, by contrast, make his sources difficult to comprehend, possibly temporarily, weakening his argument. Finally, there are some quotes with numbers and some without. Clearly, Oates has a system for his sources but it is not necessarily the best way. The reader should be able to follow the author’s mode of citations making the argument clear and convincing. Allowing confusion here affects the author’s ability to convey his or her view; combined with other weaknesses could mean considerable failure for the case.
Mike Bunn’s article, “How To Read Like a Writer”, simply does what the name implies: it is trying to encourage readers, students for the most part, to ‘read like a writer’. Bunn briefly reveals how he came acquainted with ‘reading like a writer’, and then goes on to explain to his audience how to ‘read like a writer’ themselves. From the opening sentence, to the closing statement, Bunn is encouraging students to analyze how a certain texts were written and why they were written that way. Bunn claims that by using this way of reading, you not only understand the text better, but you also become a better writer as you learn and develop the skills you analyze. Bunn is hoping that, after reading his article and adopting his methods, students will
Did you ever known someone who acts different from everyone else? In the novel Schooled by Gordan Korman, Capricorn Anderson, or ,Cap,, doesn’t act like everybody else because he and his grandmother live alone hidden from the “hungry money rat race of society”. In the novel Rain can no longer take care of her grandson Cap, because she broke her hip. He has to go to C Average Middle School since his grandmother can’t homeschool him anymore. Rain and Cap are different from other people because they believe in peace not war but society is tough to get through because society has war, bullying, and hurting. Now Cap has to go to school where there will be fights, annoying kids, mean teachers/kids and so much more.
In the book Revolutionary Characters by Gordan Wood, the degree in which he portrays the personality and personal philosophies that informed the politics of these early American leaders, especially Thomas Jefferson, shows that contrary to popular belief that these men were not some unflawed perfect beings, but they are just like us with their many fears and insecurities. These flaws appear in all of the founding fathers and this adds a level of realism to them. It also shows that flaws are a part of human nature.
The author tries to convince the reader that plagiarism has always been used. Lethem’s article starts with a quotation of the English poet John Donne “All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter
The art of quoting and summarizing an argument is one of the main skills to acquire when it comes to writing a successful piece of work. In the book, They Say I Say the art of inserting quotations is mentioned to be one of the highest mistakes made by writers. Many insert a quote that has no frame of introduction or background information which is considered a “hit and run quote.” Readers need to be able to comprehend not only the writings, but the background information and quotes from another author writing in order to have the whole work cohesive. Dire necessity for the writer is to go back to the initial text and truly understand the background from which they are quoting to make sure their audience understands the quote and why
In my opinion, homework is very lengthy and over-done. Some teachers give multiple pages or packets of homework each night. My argument is not that homework should disappear completely, but that there should be a limit to how much a teacher gives per week. In other words, the homework should be shorter. The article The Trouble With Homework by Anne Murphy Paul says that most homework is “busy work”. This means that teachers constantly give homework just to keep the students busy, when it actually doesn’t benefit the student whatsoever.
No Talking by Andrew Clements tells a story about a boy who starts a competition to see whether the boys are quieter or the girls. Every time someone talks with more than three words in a row, the other gender gets a point. Whoever’s team has the most points at the end of the competition wins. You never know whether someone will make a mistake or not. Read the book to find out what will happen to the competition. The rules are, “Okay heres the deal a whole day of NO TALKING IN SCHOOL. Not in class, not in the halls, not on the playground nowhere. No talking at all. And it’s a contest- BOYS AGAINST GIRLS. Whichever side talks less, wins” If you like books about competitions you should read No Talking by Andrew Clements
Approximately 185,000 amputations occur in the United States each year. (Kozak,1998). That’s 185,000 people who may be battling with finding themselves unable to connect to people in the U.S population due to their insecurities. Imagine what it is like for amputees trying to discover a companion to give them a long term loving relationship. Not everyone is accepting of someone who can unlatch their metal rod of a leg after a long day at work. In the article by Andy Greenburg, “A Step Beyond Human”, Hugh Herr tells his story about how when he was only 17 he lost both his legs due to a serious frostbite incident. According to the article “Relationships and Technology” by Joseph A. DeVito, it states that “Computer talk is empowering for those with physical disabilities or disfigurements” (DeVito, pg. 334). Through the advancements of technology, the disabled population is capable of boosting their confidence, meeting others, and bettering their quality of life.
Starting with monarchy, which is a form of governing where the power is held by a single person most monarchies are ruled by kings with the help of a council or an advisor. According to Harper (2001) the word monarchy comes from the Greek term “monos” which represents “single” and “arkhien” which represents “rule”. According to Steffof (2008) the Mycenaeans were the ones who introduced the monarchy to ancient Greece within powerful kingdoms in the south of the region. The monarchy was inherited based on king’s eldest son which was the successor on the throne.
The quotation’s in this essay were very impressive and supported the arguments nicely. However, the citations were somewhat incorrect in terms of the end notes and work cited. In paragraph