
Words And Actions In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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In the play Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare reveals the intentions and negative characteristics of the characters through their words and actions. These words and actions are asserted during the falling in love of Romeo and Juliet and the attempt of stopping a feud. Who caused this demise? Who contributed to the two beloved? Shakespeare foreshadows these ideas while revealing the jurassic events on the streets of Verona. To start off Friar, a holy man viewed as trusting and wise, trusting as when he married Romeo and Juliet in secret. Wise as when he expounds “ These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die like fire and powder” (2.6.9-10). In a bigger picture this means that fighting may be delightful but with one victory the fighting stops. More importantly this means that he will marry the two star crossed lovers under one condition and that is to stop a feud. Another way Friar was viewed as trusting was when he elaborated “ Sir you go in …show more content…

The Nurse is described as the servant and guardian of Juliet, but treats Juliet more as a friend than a daughter. This is enumerated when the Nurse helps Juliet and Romeo, “ Your lady mother is coming to your chamber: the day is broke be wary, look about” (3.5.39-40). This reveals how the Nurse acted more as a friend than a mother figure and betrayed the capulets. This also displays how she contributed to the demise of Romeo and Juliet by helping them pursue a relationship that was technically forbidden. Later, after that the Nurses true intentions and characteristics come out when she declaims “ Faith here it is. Romeo is banished and all the world to nothing” (3.5.214-215). Because of this it causes Juliet not to trust the nurse anymore and brings out the Nurses true characteristics greedy and misleading. Subsequently this shows how the Nurses misleading and greediness help lead toward the demise of the two

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