
Work Ethic In High School

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There is an abundant amount of people in this day in age, who decide to just glide through life; not taking on many responsibilities, or setting long term goals. On the other hand, there are also those of who actually work towards higher achievements, rather than floating by accomplishing the bare minimum progress in their school, or work place. Of course, these efforts are based on his or her personal values, and priorities. Everyone has their own set routine they practice daily, prioritizing goals differently than you may. However, one thing’s for sure; we see how effective our work ethic is in our school, or work place, and we’re knowledgeable in the areas that require attention. Sometimes, it’s difficult recognizing your hard work when your grade …show more content…

With so much to focus on and accomplish, how does one choose what they get focus on? This is called prioritizing. A person will prioritize their goals based off of personal values and beliefs. In addition, it’s best to prioritize what will benefit your outcome the most. Two more very effective aspects of being successful are efficiency, and time-management. For example, the majority of my days involve working thirty-five hours per week at Panera Bread while going to college, and I’m perfectly okay with that. I am, and never will stop working to reach the higher goal. In my case, my further goals are to earn my associate's degree, and to move out on my own. This will be unreachable, however if I don’t practice efficiency, time-management, self- commitment, and professionalism. A crucial key to accomplishing tasks is planning accordingly; never bite off more than you can chew. Personally, balancing college and a trainer position is more difficult than I could have guessed. However, it’s pushing me to move forward. I’ve taken on college courses, which will lead me to earn my college degree. More work spent

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