
Work Ready Skills Initiative Case Study

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The meeting began with the motion to open, roll call, and the meeting agenda. The first objective was to discuss the tax rates for the next year, which the property taxes were voted to remain at the same rates. Approval of working Budget for the 2017-2018 year was approved working within the contingencies required by the state. The vote to perform the host agency agreement of the Senior Community Service Employment Program was passed unanimously. Fundraisers for Russell Springs Elementary school, Russell County Middle School, and Jamestown Elementary was also approved unanimously. Field trips and overnight trips were approved for all the school systems within the district. The Work ready skills program funding was discussed and approved. …show more content…

In Russell County jobs are scarce and many of the population are low-income. The Work Ready Skills Initiative gives funding to expand career and facilities for technical education. This is customized to the workforce and industry needs in the area of participation such, as Russell County (Commonwealth of Kentucky, 2017). Senior Community Service Employment program creates a network and resources to train and prepare low-income elderly population to enter the workforce Bevin, Anderson, & Brown …show more content…

Not only can lack of jobs lead to poor living conditions but also, studies have found that maternal hardship can hamper children’s social and cognitive competence (Mechanic & Tanner, 2007). Access to medical care may be hindered due to lack of job stability or inability to qualify for medical help (Mechanic & Tanner, 2007). All of these issues are ones that many face and that are extremely prevalent in the area I served in my practicum.
Creating competence in the high school generation and giving them access to employers enables the students to have job experience, work ethic, and possibly a career when they graduate. Allowing these students to accomplish this will lead to better jobs, a lower amount of people in low-income families, which are all concerns of social workers. This is breaking the chain of lack of jobs and lack of education in Russell County. I believe this is why the Russell County Board voted unanimously to advocate this

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