
Workers Comp Case

Decent Essays

The evidence in any worker’s comp case can be abundant albeit properly sourced. The first piece of evidence, I would use is medical reports, in the form of doctor’s notes, physician evaluation, and suggestive material for the patient to pursue. The doctor is an integral piece in the whole case, in part due to the fact he is your capital witness proving there is some fraud on the part of the worker. The doctor can do his evaluation of the patient’s condition, and make recommendations such as ample rest, light duty work, non-strenuous workloads, and lift restrictions. Never the less when these recommendations are made, it is then contingent on the worker to follow through. If the worker is caught lifting a bag of 50 LBS concrete, doing strenuous …show more content…

Any deter mental work history can go a long way in proving to a court that there is ill intent on the workers part in the case. One example could be, that on a previous job the employee injured himself, and was found to be functioning against his doctor’s suggestions and thus was fired for not following his compensation agreement. Other examples could be that the employee was reprimanded multiple times for unsafe work activities and safety violations. The act of doing those actions would be helpful in proving that the employee does not follow proper protocol, and thus endangers himself on a ordinary basis with no regard for the companies’ efforts to help him otherwise. Witness statements Witness statements are key to the entire process of good investigative tactics. A worker that is in a comp case is often under investigation by use of a detective. The detective can then utilize witness statements as the employer can to help validate their side of the story. One example can be a detective seeing the worker work another job, when he is supposed to be at home recovering from his recorded

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