When working on a group you have to be a listener and a leader at the same time, you have to make sure you help your group. Being in a group is not an easy thing working with people can be challenging specially when they work at a different rhythm or even a different way, I’ve had different experiences working in groups but personally I can agree that this group was a perfect fit for me, at the beginning it was very difficult due to the fact that several of our classmates withdraw the class and did not inform us before they did, this made us change our approach but at the end we ended up working it out and making it work. The work we did as a group was easy we decided to meet at the speech lab and brainstorm the best way of presenting our subject; we decided on assign each of the group members their task and what was going to be the role they would be playing in the group, the order they would present and with was the subject they were going to elaborate in. I was in charge of explaining what is a nonverbal message and how important it is, so I made sure of researching everything I could not only by reading the chapter, but also by doing some outside research witch gave me a lot of information and understanding of this subject.
After we all had the area we would concentrate in we decided to meet up again and practice what we had so far and star with the power point and decide on another visual aid, we decided on doing a clip on the series lie to me but at the end we could
Working in small groups is either welcomed with excitement by individuals or dreaded with apprehension. However, group work is a fact of life. Whether in a classroom setting or workforce collaborating within small groups are experiences many will interact at some point or regularly participate in. According to the 2010 third edition of the book A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking by Dan O’Hair, Hannah Rubenstein, and Rob Stewart, small groups can be defined as “a collection of between three and twenty people” (321). Small groups, though, are interesting in that while a small collection of people communication role is imperative to the success of the group, but also demonstrates individual’s behaviors when interacting. During small groups, they way in which the member communicates with each other illustrates how individuals perform by taking on specific roles as well as exposing their leadership style. During participation in group work, there is a set of expectations individuals hold for themselves as well as members of the group. Individuals will subconsciously take on a specific role as to how they will help the group achieve their goal, whether that be cohesively or disconnected. Subsequently, the recognition of these acquired roles provides an insight into the individual’s corresponding leadership style. Depending on roles and leaderships style group work can be a consistency of either individual challenging or complimenting one another.
Working in a group to achieve a high quality group project can be one of people’s most difficult school experiences. Working in a group is tough because there is often someone who does not pull their own weight. “There are five stages to group development, adjourning, forming, storming, performing, and norming” (John & Wiley pg 166). Christine’s group from the Case Study the Forgotten Group Member is in between the Storming and Norming Stages. The Storming Stage “is dealing with tensions and defining group tasks,” while the Norming Stage is dealing with high emotionality and tension among the group members” (John & Wiley pg. 166). Christine and her group could have had better
Whether group members chose to be vulnerable or take the challenges that were given to them, all members were courageous to share what was on their minds during sessions. Although our group session had this occurring theme of fluctuating about certain topics that were discussed, which resulted in some members, myself included not verbally participating or contributing to the discussion, I felt that the group was still very interactive with each other. What I’ve taken away from the group process is that even though members who are not speaking or sharing their thoughts in the group, they are all processing something within themselves as other members disclosed. What I enjoyed most about this group was how we functioned together by being active listeners, wanting to connect with other members, and generating ideas and different perspectives. Being able to be both the patient and leader in group counseling, when I do implement group counseling in the school system, I’ll be able to self-disclosed with the group regarding their fears about group counseling because I’ve experienced it. I’m also more aware of my strength and weakness as a co-leader now, so when looking for other individuals to co-lead group counseling, I’ll have a better understand of how to pick and choose who’ll work best with me as a
Group work has been a cornerstone of the social work profession and requires a variety of facilitator skills and awareness of group processes. The SSLDTM Group Program for People with Difficulties in Social Situations (Socialwork1914, 2017) provides an excellent example of a psycho-educational group co-facilitated by two female social workers, Jane and Karen. After viewing the 6th session of this 8-week program, I began to understand how the concepts of group formation/development, interpersonal dynamics, and leadership styles contribute to successful group work outcomes.
In response to you post you mentioned you observed silence in the group with some of the group members. In this type of group interaction, I feel the challenges of getting a group to speak and participate would be difficult especially when working with group members that posess difficult and resistant behavior. Getting the group to open up more in spite of their feelings and emotions of being vulnerable, scared, and anxious are some of a few reasons for group silence. When a group of members become silent, lack of participation, is often followed (Corey, Corey, & Corey, 2010). Although, group members may use their emotions, to justify their behavior, overall silence and lack of participation it can
Our group worked on all the components of the project together, which included the research, reference pages, scripts, and the PowerPoint. I believe our decision to not assign specific tasks to a single individual allowed us to fully understand all the information and get along better due to the fact we all were doing the same amount of work. In a group setting, we had to work together and communicate with one another in order to create a suitable presentation. One thing I saw that our group thrived at was listening to one another. Our book defines listening as the “active, complex process that consists of being mindful, physically receiving messages, selecting and organizing messages, interpreting messages, responding, and remembering (Wood, 2016).” Each group member had to
Osama was the information giver, distributing the movie to each group member, and clarifying bits of the movie’s plot and characters. Stephen was the energizer, as he tended to be the person who kept us focused on the project when we started to drift of topic. I was the procedural technician for the group, creating the Google Slides document, connecting everyone to the document so everyone could work on it, and getting the clips from the movie together for the presentation. Deonte often played the role of recorder, as he wrote most of the group’s progress reports and wrote most of the notes about who was doing what task. We all played the role of initiator-contributor, as everyone came up with at least one idea for topics or how to present the
During this trimester, I was a member of two diverse five member groups. Superficial analysis based on composition and output (successful assignment submission) would suggest that these groups had every opportunity to succeed and evolve into effective teams (Fisher, Hunter and Macrosson 1997; Hackman 1998). However, closer inspection suggests otherwise. As Hackman (2004) recommends, teams should measure effectiveness from multiple perspectives: quality of team outcomes (client perspective), quality of team life (individual perspective), and increased team productivity over time (team perspective). Using this model, it is apparent that despite a happy client, both teams performed poorly.
One of the things that worked well in our group was the willingness of those in the group to listen to each other and entertain various viewpoints. I think that mutual respect is the key when working with groups. Each of us played different roles in the group: some of us were listeners, some of us were leaders, and some who were initially listeners became leaders as the group went on. Within our group we had different personality types and communication styles.
When I first find out that there’s a group project, I wanted to work with people that I know are responsible, capable of doing the assignments, respectful, and don’t procrastinate. I did not want to work with negative people at all I’ve learned from past group presentation experience, so I quickly ask Carolyn, Britney and Adina if they want to work together, they agreed and that’s how we formed our group but, we still needed to add one additional person for our group. The second time we meet up in class the other group members had already ask two of our classmates to join our group so Alexia and Wendy came along. I was excited about everyone that’s in our group because, I know that they’re all are capable of getting the assignments and project done on time and they are very respectful. We were assigned by the professor to come up with a group contract, I have never done any group contract before so I was happy with the assignment. We all decide that in order for us to have a positive group experience we would have to follow the contract we’ll of course follow the contract and we came up with things that we all agreed on. We add on the contract that “everyone will keep their feelings in check and keep group members informed of how things are going. No one is expected to give full disclosure of their situation but a general advising that something is going on is expected. Respect each other and don 't be afraid to ask for help. On the second meeting we also came up with a
Learning how to work effectively in a group situation is key to success in many professions as well as in social situations. Groups vary from each other based on the individuals that make up each group, all of us belong to various groups at one time or another. The roles that we fulfill vary from group to
Teamwork can be complex and challenging given task and interpersonal issues, level of group motivation and expected performance standards. The concrete experience spoken about in this reflection piece is in reference to the effectiveness of myself as a group member and the group, working to write a report outlining the organisation and structure of Volkswagen. Dennison (2009) applies Kolb’s learning cycle (1981, 1984) which suggests that learning moves through a continuous cycle, between having an experience, and then reflecting on that action. This cycle has been developed from Lewin’s (1951) model for experiential learning. Reflection termed by Boud, Keogh and Walker (1985) ‘is a forum of response to the learner to experience’(p. 18). On reflection, the early set group dynamics was a defining factor in the experience, and how the team conducted themselves throughout the task. Meyerson, Wick and Kramer (1996) note that ‘such rapidly converging groups require methods for developing “swift trust”’ (p. 8), which can explain why initial group dynamics are so important. I took on multiple team roles, including group leader, which could be translated into the team not performing collectively on a high level, however, I could view this as a personal ineffectiveness of my leadership style.
Work at listening - One thing I really liked about my whole group is how enthusiastic everyone was to work together on this presentation. Every member of the group showed that they actually wanted to do the group, and really like that we were all working together. We all showed a lot of interest and lacked not energy when working on it. So many great ideas came from each individual and they way we all discussed everything made it so easy to get the presentation done in a timely manner. No one was on there phone when we were discussing things, we were all tuned into the conversation giving all our
I am Zeeshan Ali; I am working as a Computer teacher for Classes VI-X-M in Canal Side Boys Campus. I have done Masters in Computer Science (MCS) from Punjab University College of Information and Technology (PUCIT) Lahore. The students are the main focus of every teacher and our entire teaching efforts circle round our students to achieve the set targets. Effective Teaching includes many useful teaching strategies that a teacher chooses according to the requirement of his/her respective subject and topic as well. In result of my years of experience and as a Computer teacher I find Group Work as the most effective and fruitful technique at every level.
Working in a group can be very difficult at times. Different people with different views may not always agree which one another. Throughout the various task I played the communicator. I made sure everyone was on track on what we wanted to do. I also made sure people was okay and happy in the role they was playing in the group. My group worked together in collecting ideas from one another and making it into one.