
Working With The Plcs Group I Am Part Of At Our School

Decent Essays

For my CAP project, I am focusing on working with the PLCs group I am part of at our school. Currently I am part of two PLCs, a 5th grade team which consists of 3 teachers, and an upper grade science PLC that consists of 4th-6th grade science teachers. All the teachers that are part of these PLCs are in their first year of teaching, except for me, who has been teaching 5th grade math and science for the past four years. These PLCs meet every other week. Through our PLCs, we have been able to share some great resources, collaborate, as well as address concerns we have as teachers of a dual language school. When I started the CAP project, I asked the teachers from these PLCs fill out a google questionnaire based on questions around …show more content…

My vice principal helped me analyzed my own assessment inventory; we set one of my teacher growth goals based on my inventory results. We also spent time going over the results of what teachers had answered on the survey. The last time I met with her, we reviewed my teacher growth goal as well as giving me ideas and resources. This has helped us change the structure of our PLCs and focus more on resources as well as student data. I have other people in mind as stakeholders for this project. In my opinion, I think the teachers that were part of this project are also stakeholders. At one of our PLCs we went over the results. Based on this, we had individual conversations as well as discussed ways we wanted to guide our PLCs and set goals. I also told the teachers how I was not an expert and did not have all the answers, but together we would work on getting better around the areas we decided to focus on as a PLC. I have two more stakeholders in mind. One would be our principal. He is a big believer in sending teachers to professional developments and conferences. Last year, he had me go to a PLC conference over the summer because I had shown interest in bring back PLCs to our school. I hope that by showing him our project data and progress, he can think about sending our new teachers to some professional developments or recommend us with other resources. In the past, he has paid for

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