
Essay about Working Women

Satisfactory Essays

For centuries women have been viewed as the caretakers of the family. However, as more women are either earning higher salaries than their spouses or taking on the role as the “breadwinner” of the household, that view gets a little more complicated. According to an analysis by the Pew Research Center, 40% of all households with children under the age of 18 include mothers who are either the sole or primary source of income for the family – this number greatly increased from the 11% in 1960. These mothers who are the primary financial supporters of the family are divided into two groups: 37% are married and have a higher salary than their husbands while 63% are single mothers (“Breadwinner Moms”). Although our society is progressing with …show more content…

Or that I’d feel so much chest-tightening pressure when I monitor our bills — or remind myself that if I don’t sign us up for life insurance, nobody will. Because it’s my job” (Dunleavey 16). Here Dunleavey describes the reversal of the typical roles of a family household; she takes pride in her ability to support her family financially, but she is worried that she will forever be the breadwinner and will miss out on family time. She is still aware of the societal expectations to be the motherly role in the pair of parents, yet her husband was the one cooking, cleaning, and watching over their son. With costs rising quickly each year, the increased price of childcare services is taking a toll on dual income parents and especially single mothers. Something must be done to ease the expensive payment of such an important service for the reliable upbringing of America’s children. Thus the government should subsidize childcare services. If most of society is willing to assist working parents, society would be investing in the education of and care for the potential scientists, doctors, lawyers, and all of the other occupations necessary for society to continue to advance and develop. Another option would be to grant a longer maternity leave to working mothers. For example, the Family and Medical Leave Act allows mothers or fathers to take off, with pay, six weeks from work in order to stay home

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