
World War II And The Holocaust

Decent Essays

er the war, as the years went on the Jewish population in Palestine grew tremendously. The growth created a lot of violence between Jews and Arabic’s. This violence ultimately led to Britain to make a big decision on the future of Palestine. This with the fueling of World War II and the Holocaust caused international support for Zionism. So, in 1948 they established official declaration of the State of Israel (Cohen, 2003; Levin, 1974.)
David Ben-Gurion, who was the head of the Jewish Agency, help establishes the state of Israel (Brandon, 2004, p. 44). The same exact day that this happened U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized also acknowledged it as a state (Brandon, 2004, p.45). Prior to this the United States had been an advocate …show more content…

President Harry Truman made up a cabinet of several Palestinian experts to focus and study the ongoing Palestinian issue. He also elected another special cabinet. He put the leadership of this cabinet to Henry Grady. Grady, at the time was the Assistant Secretary of State. He established negotiations with a British committee in order to examine the future of Palestine country. Shortly after these negotiations, President Truman announced that he approved of the request that recommended that 100,000 displaced people be placed in Palestine. After this recommendation, he publicly announced his support for the establishment of a Jewish state. Throughout the next couple of years the group picked by Truman “United Nations Special Commission on Palestine” focused on the Palestinian debate and advocated the partition of turning Palestine into both a Jewish and Arabic state. In 1947, the United Nations implemented Resolution 181, which is also known as the Partition Resolution. This would ultimately make the area into Jewish and Arabic states after the British mandate was expired (Brandon, 2004, p. 93). This required that under the resolution, the surrounding area of Jerusalem, which has religious significance, would remain largely separate under international control controlled by the United Nations (Brandon, 2004; Cohen, 2003; Levin, 1974.).
This religious freedom plan that had been advocated by the United Nations

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