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1.0 Introduction The operation of a business and its interaction between its customers will always have associated risks. Every company has its methods and guidelines in dealing and handling customer relations. For WorleyParsons, the code of conduct explores numerous models in corporate risk management and means of complying with such standards. WorleyParsons’ success is influenced by the professionalism and honesty it shows in their daily dealings with others (WorleyParsons, 2014).The risk management model this company follows ensures that the business makes decisions by taking uncertainty and future events into consideration. By taking risks into account, the company is able to make judgments that realize potential gains while also avoiding …show more content…

Employees are vital to an organization and its operation. Their skills and expertise drive the company and promote its growth and sustainability. Without employees, there would be no company. As employees work under the WorleyParsons corporate structure, they must understand their personal obligations to the company as well as the company’s obligation to its customers. In order for employees to understand their obligations to the company, managers must be able to bridge this information to the employees. Loveland and Mendleson (1974) have commented that, “it is the job of the personnel manager to identify discrepancies between what employees acknowledge as their obligations and what the organization requires, and then help to eliminate these discrepancies” (p. 35). Understanding of the personal as well as company responsibility allows for employees to act in accordance with company rules to preserve and maintain the reputation of …show more content…

However, employees should take note that “bribery and corruption undermine society and can have a devastating impact on the economic prosperity of local communities” (WorleyParsons, 2014, p. 8). As noted by Shulman (2014), “bribery in international commercial transactions is an issues that deserves attention because of its far-reaching negative repercussions” (p. 719). Corruption involves the fraudulent acts performed by those typically with some authority, and using their power to undermine the legal business practices. Corruption and bribery could lead to fines and imprisonment for those who are involved, as well as it will tarnish the reputation of WorleyParsons. Therefore, it is in the best interest of employees to know the difference between accepting gifts and bribes and prevent corruption and bribery from

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