
Write A Narrative Essay About Moving Away

Decent Essays

When I was six my family made the long trip from St. Louis, Missouri to Forest, Virginia. My Dad’s company that had given my family so much stability after his retirement from the navy was closing. Leaving the place that held all of my earliest memories was hard. I was no longer going to have my childhood friend Jake to watch old Godzilla movies and drink strawberry milk with. My Dad had already made the ten-hour drive a month earlier to start on his new job and to make sure our new house was on time in its construction. So it was up to my mother to pack up our entire house and to make sure that my older sister and I were doing ok with the changes that were happening around us. I still do not fully understand how she did it but my Mom managed …show more content…

I remember leaving and balling as Jake stood at the end of his driveway waving good bye to me as our mini van drove away. I remember having to stop frequently because not only was my mother driving a ridiculously long drive with kids she was having to make the journey with two dogs and a cat. Thinking back on it now I do not know how my mother did it. There were so many things that could have and probably did go wrong and she took all of it with stride. The drive was the longest car ride to date I think I have ever taken but somehow our mini van made it to …show more content…

My sister and I had to decide who would get the slightly larger room. My sister won after we rock, paper, scissored for it ten times. When we finally moved into our new house I was so relieved to be in my own room. My parents allowed for me to color the walls whatever color I wanted. So being a six-year-old girl I chose bright purple with lime green trimming. It seemed like a good idea at the time. The first night in our house one of our dogs, a fat beagle named Penny, managed to escape. We stayed up all night calling her name and hoping that she would know where to return. The next morning, she returned with a deer leg that was twice the size of her. I think this was the first time that I realized that we were no longer living in the city. That the woods surrounded our house and that we really did not have any

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