
Write An Essay On A Hero's Journey

Decent Essays

Before too long she had made it back to the woods where she had first woken up, but instead of the forest that was here before, she found herself staring at a black wall. It stretched from east to west with no end, Bayah frowned. It looked like gas, but seemed solid enough that if you touched it your hand wouldn’t sink through. Her blanket fluttered loosely around her shoulders and fell into a pile behind her as she dropped her backpack onto the ground and reached for a rock. Determined to figure out exactly what it was, she coiled back her arm and gave the pebble a baseball style pitch into the wall. There was no other wound then a slight hiss. The rock was simply gone, there was no bounce back nor was there the sound a soft thump if it had hit the ground. Bayah blinked, but didn’t give up testing it as she grabbed a large rock from the ground. As the rock hit the wall once more, she realized that it wasn’t disappearing, but disintegrating, “What the…” She pulled her backpack onto her scrawny shoulders and frowned deeply. Maybe they weren’t disintegrating, and she was just exhausted, tired eyes play a trick on the mind. Determined to solve this once and for all, she slowly reached her hand out, taking slow, and cautious steps towards the wall. Her hand trembled violently as she took another step. She …show more content…

Her face felt chaffed and her body felt cold and damp; she had passed out. Shivering, Bayah pushed herself up with her good hand and stared blankly at the dull sky. Her wounded hand looked odd, the water had drained the puss, but it felt numb and raw, and her tongue had a weird dry spot that would not moisten. Healing skin however had created a thin film over the wound, providing some sort of coverage. However, she could still see into it, and the sight of her gaping hand made her woozy. There was no way that it could be exposed anymore, it had to be

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