
Write An Essay On Texting And Driving

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According to NHTSA, drivers that are in their 20’s contribute to 27% of the distracted drivers in deadly crashes. This statistic really hit home for myself, and I found this statistic to be extremely scary. This is because this is my current age group. Another surprising texting while driving statistic is that the minimal amount of time one’s attention is taken away from the road while texting and driving is five seconds. It is scary that five seconds is the minimal time, which means most people spend more than that not looking at the road while texting and driving. It is scary that one can take their eyes off the road for that many seconds without feeling any remorse. An accident can happen in a blink of an eye, and it can most definitely …show more content…

It truly crushes me that innocent peoples’ lives are drastically changed, because someone else chose to text and drive. Texting while driving is unnecessary and extremely dangerous. If any of these lawbreakers chose to not use a phone while operating a vehicle, these innocent people in the video could still have their normal lives. I wish more people understood that no matter what the text or call is or whom it is from, it can wait. One of my childhood friends, Brittany Washington, was killed in a traffic accident in 2005, when she collided with an oil truck. Brittany was the star of the Timber Creek basketball team, and she was also an amazing soccer player. The news of her death devastated everyone. When the police came to the accident, the family was informed that she was in the middle of a text message when the accident occurred. This seriously opened everyone’s eyes, including myself, to the horror that can come from texting while driving. My friends and family came together to raise awareness to the dangers of texting or calling while driving. Today and always, I am taking the pledge to not text while driving, and I encourage all my friends to do the

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