
Write An Essay On The Warsaw Ghetto

Decent Essays

Warsaw 1934, Jewish population 350,000, total space 54 square miles. Warsaw Ghetto 1941, Jewish population 445,000, total space .8 square miles. To even start to understand how horribly the Jews were treated, you have to first know where, when, and how the ghetto was built, the daily life of the ghetto’s residents, and the preparations for the uprising against the Germans. Warsaw is the capital of Poland. Before WWII, over 1.3 million people lived in Warsaw, of those, over 30% or about 350,000 of them were Jews (The Warsaw Ghetto). Warsaw was invaded by Germany on September 1, 1939. On September 1, Germans assaulted Warsaw with air and artillery attacks. Just 28 days later on September 29 Warsaw surrendered to Germany (Warsaw). After the invasion, Jews were forced to wear white arm bands with blue stars of David. Jewish schools …show more content…

The Ghetto took many months to build the wall up around the Ghetto (The Warsaw Ghetto). The finished wall was 10 feet tall and topped with barbed wire and glass and it was guarded to prevent escape. Shortly after the completion of the ghetto, over 350,000 Jews Were living there, meaning 30% of the population was living in 2.4% of the city (Warsaw). Other Jews moved into the ghetto growing the population to an estimated 400,000 with an average of 7.2 people per room (The Warsaw Ghetto). Food was obtained with ration books. In 1941, the average Jew only got 1,125 calories per day, much less than the recommended 2,000 daily calorie minimum. Between 1940 and 1941, over 83,000 Jews died from starvation in the Warsaw Ghetto. 80% of the products brought into the ghetto - medicine and food - were smuggled in (Warsaw). Some organisations existed to help Jews inside the ghetto such

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