
Writing Is The Most Popular Medium Of Communication. Even

Decent Essays

Writing is the most popular medium of communication. Even though it is just a few symbols put together to make sense, but it is more than that. It is a tool for expressing your thoughts, emotions in a creative way. This simple and common form of communication has so many curative values. The best thing about writing is jotting down your thought about something makes you comfortable. Moreover, it helps to communicate complicated concepts smoothly. Writing contributes coping up with anger, anxiety, and depression too.
There have been many times; it has helped many individuals. The research found out that expressive writing has many healing values. An experiment was conducted to test this idea in which 63 professionals who were recently …show more content…

This happens a lot when one has a topic which requires technical research. For such topics, one mostly thinks perfectionism is the right answer. I struggle with it a lot, and if I cannot seek it, I lose my confidence quickly which then follows other unfortunate events like isolation and spending weeks on one piece ignoring other subjects. This results in not taking feedback positively which is the worst as there are no chances of progress. These all factors result in not sharing your work with anyone.
Most of the students like me also go through the problem of loaded work. There are so many courses, and all of them require submissions. The problem I face the most is time management. I cannot distribute my time efficiently which leads to anxiety, anger, and even depression sometimes and it further results in low grades which are not affordable.
Therefore, I use some strategies to keep up with my classes. To overcome my fear of not getting everything perfect, I let things move forward the way they are. I do my research on the given topic and then start writing it without a lot of what ifs. Moreover, to keep it focussed I read a lot before writing but I keep the reading very focused to the topic. I also use sticky PC sticky notes if I find a relevant research within research.
I have not mastered the skill of time management yet, but I have tried, and it has worked well for me. It is setting my work my priority. I do not try to complete my work

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