
Writing Misconceptions

Decent Essays

For as long as I can remember I have had a strong dislike for writing. It is not something I enjoy doing because I feel as if school sucks the fun out of it. Writing, in my opinion, is something that should be stress free. Writing becomes more stressful because of deadlines and guidelines that your grade or job may depends on. Over the years I have learned about my good and bad writing practices, tips to be a better writer, misconceptions of rules of writing and how they are all tied into effective time and time wasted.
A common belief is that people are born writers and always enjoy doing it. As Moxley stated in “Demystify Writing Misconceptions”, there is no scientific evidence that writers are born different than anyone else. They simply …show more content…

The use of “I” in a paper is one I have had for years. I am not sure when or what teacher got on me for using “I” in a paper, but I know I have refrained from using it until now. Now that I am older I understand that it is okay to use it when using first person, but I have been so conditioned not to use so I see it more as an error on my papers. Last misconception that I want to touch on is instructors caring about grammar. In Moxley’s article on “Demystify Writing Misconceptions”, tells us that teachers usually care more about the topic and quality of our paper more than the grammar. I think it is good know that because, for me when I write, I seem to do better when I don’t try to follow grammar rules. On the other hand telling students that teachers care more about the content of the paper than grammar could lead students to become lazy in grammar, which would hurt the paper as well. For myself I try to have good grammar and wished teachers did not take off points for every error because I am the type to submit the final paper, see a mistake and feel the need to fix it and resubmit it just because I’m not sure how much will be taken off for grammatical

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