
Written On The Body Stephen Oettermann

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Decorating the Body: Exposing and Entertaining The following is the summary of chapter 12 of the book named Written on the Body: The Tattoo in European and American History originally written by literature doctorate, Stephan Oettermann. The author is aimed to illustrate how the individuals get tattooed, entertained the people and displayed their life. Capturing, tattooing and displaying the savage individuals and having the voluntarily tattooed individuals had been the beginning of western tattooing in nineteen century. Being apart from a showman in performances, narrating biographies were one of the modes of display in the tattooed culture of the West. Firstly, the author recognized the tattooed individuals were the uncivilized violent people who were captured and inked to be exhibited to the people (Oettermann 1). One of the reasons given for the tattooing was to identify the particular individual as a distinguished savage person among the people. The example of ‘Eskimo’ family, which was captured and tattooed by the French seamen is, explains this situation. The story of Prince Jeoly who was put on show after being tattooed is another …show more content…

Biographies were written on the life of the individuals who were tattooed forcibly and also voluntarily including real and narrated stories. The biography of John Rutherford, The Great White Chief John Rutherford is reciting the story of him and his lifestyle with inked body, which was considered as a true story by poetic standards only. Another book named A Narrative of Shipwreck Captivity and Suffering of Horace Holden and Benjamin Nute describes how Holden gets forcibly tattooed and his life experiences as a tattooed but not a showman. These examples of biographies support the authors claim that great literatures had been emerged in the beginning of the Western tattooing

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