
Xeriscape Research Paper

Decent Essays

Going green everywhere is the rage these days. What is the best place to start caring for the environment if you have a beautiful garden? People are gardening for green causes means they want to produce green plants which reduces the transportation pollution and increase the oxygen level. But the negative effect of gardening is that causes a tremendous amount of water waste. If you have a large garden then the problem is creating a great impact to waste a huge amount of water for watering your plants. Then what is the best source to maintain your garden without wasting huge amount of water? It can handle with new techniques called as Xeriscape, it helps to reduce water waste and makes your garden even greener. How the name Xeriscape is derived? …show more content…

If you are interested in using this kind of landscape techniques for your garden, your first step is to get online to do some research about the landscape service providers or search local landscape provider for getting information about plants that are indigenous to your area. Once you have collected all the information about plants, then you will need to select the plants for your garden from this list. Gardening those plants which are not indigenous to your area will increase your water usage and will not fall under the banner of Xeriscape. While Xeriscape has the obvious benefit of reducing water usage, which is good for the environment and your water bill. Many states have their own laws for prohibiting home owners' groups from banning indigenous plants, but still it might be an issue in some states. Also, if you decided to move into a new area, you can start your garden by using Xeriscaping. Don’t try to use the same plants in your new place because the climate may differ and if you move from a dry area to a wet climate, then your garden will be very different, meaning you will need to learn all about a new set of

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