
Yann Martel's Development In Life Of Pi

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Everyone experiences feelings of agitation and disagreement, however, that is what can impact who we are as a person. This relation concerning the people of our world prompts us about the challenges and tests that we face each and every day, interpreting how we can grow and learn from our past hindrances. Pi Patel in the Life of Pi is introduced with individual and social forces that illustrates his personality and way of thinking, where his development affects the sequence of the novel. These complications build Pi’s character traits and hones his skills towards survival, supporting the transition of the plot. With the knowledge acquired from his childhood and attempts of survival, Pi is shown to have developed as a character throughout the course of the text. Pi’s way …show more content…

When Pi was still young in Pondicherry, his father thoroughly indicated the dangers of all animals, developing his negative approaches towards large, intimidating creatures. Mr. Patel has stated, “I want you to understand that you are never – under any circumstances – to touch a tiger, to put your hands through the bars of a cage, even to get close to a cage. Is that clear?” (Martel, 37). This quotation reveals Pi’s father’s serious exaggeration regarding his son’s safety towards animals and indicates a foul mood that equates to fear. It reinforces how Pi developed his individual force of trauma as a result of understanding concepts that are negatively seen to the world at a young age. This feeling of paranoia allowed Pi to be able to distinguish the intentions and actions of ferocious animals at which he uses to tame Richard Parker. Pi is capable of demanding and instructing Richard Parker to commit to different tasks while respecting his space on the boat. It was what greatly risked his life and what Pi feared the most that culminated an advantage to his

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