
Yann Martel's Life Of Pi

Decent Essays

After experiencing a great deal of trauma, humans tend to find different ways to cope with the emotional distress the experience causes them. Yann Martel explores a unique coping mechanism his character Pi Piscine uses. The sixteen year old boy shields himself from the reality of the tragic shipwreck causing the loss of his family members. By believing he is not alone and is accompanied by a bengal tiger, Pi distracts himself from the truth that he is the sole survivor on a lifeboat after losing his father, brother, and now mother. Towards the end of this novel, readers are left to question the truth of the story, whether or not Pi was stranded with a couple of zoo animals or if he was accompanied by humans who died and left him alone. Martel …show more content…

The first part of Life of Pi showed Pi’s wittiness, his quick and creative thinking, which helped him survive, “I held on to one thought: Richard Parker. I hatched several plans to get rid of him so that the lifeboat might be mine” (85). Martel shows that Pi was fond of creating lists and writing. Pi created a list that contained ways of killing Richard Parker, the tiger. Pi in the end uses Richard Parker to help him survive, the most creative option on the list. In the end we learn Richard Parker was a metaphor for Pi himself. Pi creates a different persona, a strong and brave tiger to help him get through the traumatic event.
Pi was found ashore Mexico, he was asked multiple questions about his story, he explained what he believed, and the two men expressed disbelief, and begged for another story, “‘I know what you want. You want a story that won't surprise you. That will confirm what you already know. That won't make you see higher or further or differently. You want a flat story. An immobile story. You want dry, yeastless factuality’” (168). Pi explains another story that seems real, and the tale seemed to be a metaphor. The last pages convey Pi’s coping mechanism, he created a story to hide the truth

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