
Yann Martel's Life Of Pi: Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

Throughout the fictional novel titled Life of Pi, by Yann Martel, the reader is prompted to question whether or not Pi’s story on him surviving a flotsam at sea for two hundred twenty seven days with a carnivorous Bengal tiger, was a real story. Towards the end of the book, Martel truly tests this theory by having Pi narrate a completely different story which substitutes all of the animals on board with actual human beings. Life of Pi relates directly to Martel’s quote on the reality of the world, which states that “...Reality is an interpretation, a choice of readings, a choice of stories.” I would agree with his quote on reality’s stance resting on what someone would choose it to be. Including Martel’s Life of Pi, this interpretation is also able to relate to an individual's personal choice in life and is also able to connect to …show more content…

During the period of childhood, most young children believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and other holiday figures or beings. Amongst these children, I was one of them. But as I became older each year, my intelligence and scepticism eventually overcame my beliefs in these holiday figures. It wasn’t until I was around ten years old one Christmas to which my thoughts were confirmed as I discovered the receipts for all of the gifts supposedly brought to me by “Santa Claus”. Martel’s quote on reality is able to apply to my own life through the belief in holiday figures because when I was a young and naive, I was influenced by my parents to believe this myth. I chose to believe the myth due to my innocence and imaginative mind as a child. Even at first as a began to become sceptical about whether or not these myths were true, I still choose to believe them, thus altering the reality I envision, which is an average young child’s holiday spirit. I attempted for as long as possible to avoid the cold and indifferent

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