
Yann Matel's Life Of Pi

Decent Essays

Life of Pi

The book I read was the Life of Pi by Yann Matel. Pi Patel was the main character. He was a fourteen-year-old Indian boy from Pondicherry, India. He was deeply religious and practiced three religions; Hindu, Catholicism, and Islam. He was a vegetarian who did not eat meat. Pi lived at the Pondicherry Zoo with his mother, father, and brother Ravi. He was a slim young man with dark hair and dark eyes. His family gave up the zoo (not the animals) and planned to move to Canada on a cargo ship to set up a zoo there. Pi Patel faced his greatest battle to survive on the open sea.
In the beginning of the story, Pi as a young boy had several battles he fought over. He spoke first of how he was bullied over his name, Piscine. He endured this torture for quite a while until Pi used his ingenuity, and showed everyone how smart he was at changing his name to just Pi, using its relevance in every major subject. Understanding a single religion clashed with his belief system, so in addition to Hindu, he studied Catholicism and Islam. Leaving India and moving to Canada was a real struggle for Pi. He had to give up his sense of belonging within his community and …show more content…

He was dehydrated and starved but came across tree roots and fresh water to rejuvenate his body. He quickly regained strength on this special island but realized he could not stay. His battle was not over. If he remained on this island he would surely die. He finally reached Mexico and was rescued. In the end, Pi won his battles. His own words came true “Above all else don’t lose hope”.
In conclusion, Pi never gave up hope. In his younger years, he battled with being bullied and the big move leaving his country of India to Canada. After the enormous cargo boat sank in the catastrophic storm, Pi was left alone in the Pacific Ocean for 227 days and survived. Pi was an amazing, incredible, and resourceful young man, who conquered his own fear and

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