
Year-Round Schools . Think About What It Is Like To Not

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Year-Round Schools Think about what it is like to not have a summer. One could not do fun summer camps, go on once in a life time summer vacations, or get a fun summer job. If year-round schools were put into place everywhere, one would only have a thirty-day summer, or less, instead of a three- month summer. They would be hitting the books at school instead of lying out at the pool and relaxing from all the stress that year of school brought. Imagine never truly getting a break from school, to be in a continuous cycle with no end. Even though opponents may say that traditional school calendar leads students to forget more over the summer months, a year-round schedule should not be used because most schools do have the money to be open …show more content…

When D returns from vacation, A goes on vacation. The most used break up for year-round schools is forty-five days on, and a fifteen-day break, but there are over thirty different possible calendar configurations someone could use if thinking about switching to a year-round school (Glines 2699). There are three main reasons why schools are switching to year-round schedules. The most commonly used reason is to be able to hold more students, the second is to increase student success, and the third is to save money (Wildman et al.). Year-round schools do not just affect students, but teachers too. Switching to a year-round school means there is going to be a budget increase. Normally, in a traditional schedule school teachers are on 12 month contracts, and work for nine months. Then, they receive their salary over the 12-month time. During the summer, some teachers have a summer job to supplement their income. With year-round schooling, skeptics worry that teachers will not want to teach during the summer since they could make more money at their second summer job; therefore, retaining teachers could be difficult. Staff development can also be difficult, according to critics, because college schedules usually do not correspond to the schedules of year-round schools. Hence, teachers in year-round programs are faced with a lack of continuing courses at local colleges because courses are offered to correspond with the traditional system’s

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