Presumably the best data came from the oxygen gas sensors measuring the highest presence of oxygen accordingly with the temperature. Temperatures under 30°C caused the cell to react slowly (low kinetic energy), temperature greater than 30°C, cause the enzymes to denature, which resulted in a lower respiration rate. Compared to past laboratory experiments, such as the effect of temperature on fermentation, there was very similar results mainly because the procedure was alike. However, in the fermentation lab no oxygen was required and instead of germinated radish seeds we used yeast. According to the data, the hypothesis was correct, at 30°C germinated radish seedlings had the highest respiration rate. Germinating radish seeds, though, are just beginning to grow and require more oxygen from its surroundings to undergo cellular respiration and
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When recording the data one must be very cautious when matching the data with the correct temperature and make sure that the temperature is both accurate and precise. Also when collecting the data on the computer with gas pressure sensor you must wait make sure that it is fully configured to prevent from repeating the experiment, moreover, one should make sure that the rubber stopper is secured so no gas can escape and affect the data. Finally, more trials should be done to have more conclusive data.
Cellular respiration is an important life process that is very detailed and can be affected by several factors, one which being temperature.(particle movement) As time went on, more oxygen was consumed by the germinating seeds, indicating a quicker rate of respiration. As I hypothesized the germinated seedlings underwent the highest cellular respiration rate at 30 °C. Based on the data, it can be concluded that germinating radish seeds have a higher rate of cellular respiration in warmer
Respiration was measured in germinating seeds in the Pea Lab because in germinating peas there is a high rate of cell respiration as the pea is still growing and needs to consume oxygen to continue growing. Pea plant cells rely on the process of cellular respiration to supply them with the energy that they need to stay alive and grow during germination. When the pea plants are grown the cells will still remove energy from sugar via cellular respiration; however, the sugar for cellular respiration will come from the process of photosynthesis instead of the stored
The first lab was conducted to analyze how germination affects the rate of cellular respiration in lima beans compared to dormant seeds. In order to
Introduction In this experiment, radish seeds were exposed to several different kinds of solutions (salt, soap, vinegar, fertilizer, distilled water) to test how different environmental pollutants affect seed germination. Because there are several kinds of solutions being tested in this experiment, there is more than one hypothesis. The hypotheses for this experiment are as follows: The use of fertilizer solution increases radish seed germination and growth. The use of salt solution decreases radish seed germination and growth.
During this experiment, sugar sources were varied and respiration rate evaluated. To begin, a water bath was set at 30 degrees Celsius. This creates an optimum temperature for the enzymes in yeast to breakdown sugar and give off CO₂. Each sugar source, glucose, sucrose, lactose and glycerol were all added to its own unique yeast sample, one at a time. Each sugar source that was added to the yeast solution was immediately incubated for 10 min, then was transferred to a respiration chamber. The CO₂ sensor was put in, recording the CO₂ respiration for 4 min. This process was done for each sugar source. The reparation rate was recorded through Logger Pro. After 4 min passed, the slope was recorded, resulting in respiration rate.
The experiment was conducted to determine the impact different yeast amounts had on yeast fermentation. It was hypothesized that the more yeast added the more CO2 would be produced. The carbon dioxide production was measured in the fermentation of yeast with solution of no yeast in test tube 1, 1mL yeast in test tube 2, and 3mL of yeast in test tube 3 over a period of twenty minutes. All of the yeast amounts produced CO2, but test tube 3 was the most efficient of the three.
Our data recorded shows that the germinating peas did consume more oxygen than the non-germinating or the glass beads alone and that the cooler temperature did slow down the consumption of oxygen in the germinating peas. In both water baths the atmospheric pressure seemed to increase causing our reading to raise in our glass beads and non-germinating peas. This direct relationship in reading leads us to believe that the oxygen consumption in the non-germinating peas was minimal if any at all.
Enzymes are important molecules in every living cell in the universe. An enzyme is a biological catalyst that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction without undergoing any chemical changes itself. This means that the enzyme will be the same molecular formula before and after the reaction has taken place. Yeast are a single celled type of fungus. Yeast cells digest different types of sugar to make carbon dioxide gas and ethyl alcohol. Yeast is commonly used for baking and making alcohol to drink. Yeast is used in baking because when the yeast cells react with the sugar in the batter, the batter will rise due the trapped carbon dioxide molecules. Yeast is mixed in with different ingredients to make a variety of different types of alcohol
Seeds that use oil to store nutrients (sunflower seeds) will have a higher rate of respiration because they have long hydrocarbon chains, which supply more material for cellular respiration, allowing it to occur at a quicker rate.
For my seed experiment I had decided to see what the effect of sprinkling salt on a radish seed would be. So for my control group I had set six (6) cherry radish seeds in between a damp paper towel and then closed it within a Ziploc bag. For my experimental I had set it up the exact same way as the control group but I would sprinkle salt on top of seeds before I zipped up the baggie. I sprinkled the salt on the experimental seeds and dampened the paper towel once every day. Each bag was stored in the light and at room temperature (~70° F.)
Soil respiration is a process which results in the production of carbon dioxide and can be affected by several factors including plant litter and temperature (Biology 208 Lab Manual 2017). With increasing temperatures, the amount of carbon dioxide released during soil respiration will increase (Schlesinger and Andrews 1999). The presence of plant litter in the soil results in increased soil respiration, and results in increased rates of carbon dioxide production (Xiao et al. 2014). This experiment is looking at the effects of temperature and type of plant litter on the rate of soil respiration. For the abiotic factor, we hypothesize that increasing the temperature will positively affect soil respiration rate as it will increase the rate of metabolism of the microorganisms. Soil placed in 30°C chamber will produce more carbon dioxide than the soil placed in the 15°C chamber. For the biotic factor, decreasing the carbon:nitrogen ratio in plant litter will positively affect soil respiration rate by speeding up the rate of decomposition of the plant litter. Therefore, soil with grass will decompose faster and have higher carbon dioxide production than soil with pine needle litter. The interaction between temperature and type of plant litter indicates that soil with grass litter and in a 30°C chamber will have the highest carbon dioxide production.
Sugars are vital to all living organisms. The eukaryotic fungi, yeast, have the ability to use some, but not all sugars as a food source by metabolizing sugar in two ways, aerobically, with the aid of oxygen, or anaerobically, without oxygen. The decomposition reaction that takes place when yeast breaks down the hydrocarbon molecules is called cell respiration. As the aerobic respiration breaks down glucose to form viable ATP, oxygen gas is consumed and carbon dioxide is produced. This lab focuses on studying the rate of cellular respiration of saccharomyces cerevisiae, baker’s yeast, in an aerobic environment with glucose, sucrose, lactose, artificial sweetener, and water as a negative control. A CO2
Aerobic respiration is the way toward delivering cellular energy involving oxygen. Cells separate the food in the mitochondria in a long, multistep prepare that produces 32 ATP. The initial phase in is glycolysis, the second is the citric acid cycle and the third is the electron transport system. Germination is one of such procedures that make use of aerobic and in light of the fact that specific variables can influence aerobic respiration, it would likewise influence germination. The chemical reaction for aerobic respiration is:
Rate of Respiration in Yeast Aim: I am going to investigate the rate of respiration of yeast cells in the presence of two different sugar solutions: glucose, sucrose. I will examine the two solutions seeing which one makes the yeast respire faster. I will be able to tell which sugar solution is faster at making the yeast respire by counting the number of bubbles passed through 20cm of water after the yeast and glucose solutions have been mixed. Prediction: I predict that the glucose solution will provide the yeast with a better medium by which it will produce a faster rate of respiration.
There are many processes that are needed to occur to produce something that help organisms live. Cellular respiration and fermentation are two process that are important to the survival of organisms. Cellular respiration is the way cells make ATP, which they need to survive. The process starts with the breaking down of glucose into other compounds that can be used by the cell. However, there are more steps in the process than just cellular respiration and how precise cellular respiration is depends on how much ATP can be taken from food particles in the body (Hill 646). Fermentation is mostly known in the world of beer and wine, but it also produces lactate in organisms. Fermentation is breaking glucose into separate components like water or carbon dioxide, much like that of cellular respiration. N’guessan and some peers did an experiment and they found that after fermentation had stopped, they had over 200 counts of yeast in the beer (N’guess, Brou, Casaregola, Dje 858). Under the
The purpose of this investigation is to test the effect of different sugar sources on yeast respiration.