
Yeast Cellular Respiration

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Presumably the best data came from the oxygen gas sensors measuring the highest presence of oxygen accordingly with the temperature. Temperatures under 30°C caused the cell to react slowly (low kinetic energy), temperature greater than 30°C, cause the enzymes to denature, which resulted in a lower respiration rate. Compared to past laboratory experiments, such as the effect of temperature on fermentation, there was very similar results mainly because the procedure was alike. However, in the fermentation lab no oxygen was required and instead of germinated radish seeds we used yeast. According to the data, the hypothesis was correct, at 30°C germinated radish seedlings had the highest respiration rate. Germinating radish seeds, though, are just beginning to grow and require more oxygen from its surroundings to undergo cellular respiration and …show more content…

When recording the data one must be very cautious when matching the data with the correct temperature and make sure that the temperature is both accurate and precise. Also when collecting the data on the computer with gas pressure sensor you must wait make sure that it is fully configured to prevent from repeating the experiment, moreover, one should make sure that the rubber stopper is secured so no gas can escape and affect the data. Finally, more trials should be done to have more conclusive data.


Cellular respiration is an important life process that is very detailed and can be affected by several factors, one which being temperature.(particle movement) As time went on, more oxygen was consumed by the germinating seeds, indicating a quicker rate of respiration. As I hypothesized the germinated seedlings underwent the highest cellular respiration rate at 30 °C. Based on the data, it can be concluded that germinating radish seeds have a higher rate of cellular respiration in warmer

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