
Yoni Netanyahu Outline

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1. Introduction

A. Brief explanation of Pride in Israel and IDF

I) dedication of those who fight in the IDF

B. Introduce Yoni Netanyahu

I) Yoni Netanyahu, a member of the elite Israeli army was one of the most dedicated soldiers

II) Thesis Statement: Yoni Netanyahu's excel in both academic and athletic works, his loyalty to his country, and his perseverance in war made him a charismatic and dedicated hero to many.

2. The Letters of Jonathan Netanyahu by Herman Wouk

A. "From the age of seventeen until a few days before he fell leading the rescue at Entebbe, Jonathan Netanyahu wrote a series of letters that embody a stunning self-portrait of the growth of a hero." …show more content…

an inspiring piece for people throughout the world

3. Background of Yoni's life

A. Family history

I) Born on March 13, 1946 in New York City

II) His parents were Benzion and Cela Netanyahu

III) Moved to Israel shortly after Israel officially became a State

B. Childhood Accomplishments

I) He was an active troop leader in the scouts

II) He was elected president of the student council of the High School at the Hebrew Gymnasium

C. Adulthood

I) Enrolled at Harvard University

1. Letters from Harvard University and the Hebrew University (1967-1969)

II) Married long-term girlfriend Tuti

4. Life as a soldier

A. The battle of Um Katef and the battles on the Golan Heights

B. He became commander of Sayeret Matkal

I) Associated with hijacking of a group of Syrian Officers in Lebenon

II) Associated with the raid on the PLO leaders in Beirut

C. Yom Kippur War

I) Letters from the Yom Kippur War to Operation Jonathan (1973-1976)

D. Yoni's Last Battle by Iddo Netanyahu

I) The battle at Entebbe, Uganda 1976

II) Yoni was the only Israeli soldier killed in this

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