
You Are Not The Same As You Were Before

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You are Not the Same as You were Before
Have you ever made this comment to someone? When I was in high school in Mexico someone told me that I was no longer the same as I was before. At that time, I did not understand why he said that. It was during a rough time for me, as my most beloved grandmother was battling cancer. She had a tumor in her brain that could not be operated on. She was also in the process of chemotherapies. For those who have not had an experience like this with a family member, I must say that it is very difficult for the person who has cancer but also for the people around them. My grandmother was like my second mother, she was always cheerful and positive … she was a warrior. During the time she was sick, I saw her suffering as she began to forget things like who she was or who her family was. Her battle against cancer lasted five months and after that time she died, one week before my birthday. It has been one of the biggest losses that I have encountered. I can say with the upmost certainty, that this particular situation made me see life and death in a different perspective. The loss of one of the closest, most hardworking and devoted woman in my life affected me dearly in that I valued my family and matured as a person. After that sad loss my life changed completely, I changed from being the girl who cared for silly things, to the girl who worried about things that really mattered, such as life itself and my family. I firmly believe that problems

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