
You Are The Electric Boogaloo By Said Ethel Barrymore

Decent Essays

“ You grow up the day you have your first real laugh -- at yourself.”,Said Ethel Barrymore. Ethel’s thought on this really connected with me, I use to make myself so stressed over silly things I did but now I’m slowly learning to laugh at myself like the boy in “ You are the Electric Boogaloo”, did. Everyone makes mistakes there is no stopping them, all we can do is look back and laugh and learn from them.

As all kids grow into adults we get more chores from our parents, my parents would bug me till I got the job done but I don’t always have the time, therefore, making me stressed. Being overly stressed over something that can be done a 20 min. Isn’t the greatest way to start off each day. The boy in, “ You are the Electric Boogaloo”, learned many things from his mistakes after messing up his dance. After making a mistake that you never think you will forget but two months later you haven’t even thought about it for weeks. The boy from the text looked back on this day that he felt embarrassed and now he looks back and laughs at his mistakes. …show more content…

We can learn from our mistakes and make better people out of ourselves. Mistakes aren’t always bad we can’t change them so we accept them, I use to get so frustrated doing math homework but now I am in advanced math and I’m learning as I go. Practice makes perfect and nothing can be completely perfect without some failure. “ You are Electric Boogaloo”, really helped me open my eyes to see that everything that happens around me really does teach me. Without failure, no one would be who they are now and we all would be the same unlike now we all are different with different

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